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Thread: News round #44

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    Zed7 Guest

    Default News round #44

    Nice news this round! Foremost, characters now have bigger differences, more advantages as well as more disadvantages. Choose you occupation wisely. See details below. You can now buy charms in The Den: "The Pimp Effect" will increase your chances to find free hookers and "Pimp's Delight" will lower your chances to get an STD when visiting hookers. Voodoo magic!

    We've added an "Addiction meter/bar" just below the Stamina, keep your eye on this one to know your addiction level. Oh and by the way, if your not a fan already, be sure to join the new Official page on FaceBook! The Crims | Facebook

    Here are the pro's and con's of the new characters:

    A vicious killer!

    + Very high weapon handling skill
    + Very high assault skill
    + High robbery skill
    + Lower risk of getting caught by the police after an assault

    - Poor gang leader, can handle fewer members than normal
    - Higher maintenance costs for buildings

    Specialty stats are Strength and Tolerance.

    A Businessman is a man with courage and a sharp brain.

    + Lower prices when buying buildings, weapons and armors
    + Higher bank interest rate

    - Very low weapon handling skill
    - Very low assault skill
    - Very low robbery skill
    - Takes room for 3 in a gang
    - Poor gang leader, can handle fewer members than normal
    - Lower hooker payouts
    - Lower drug tolerance
    - Higher risk of taking bad drugs

    Specialty stats are Intelligence and Tolerance that gives him a lead in business.

    Take control of your hookers and pimp your way to wealth!
    + Receiving more money from the hookers
    + Lower risk of hookers dying
    + Higher chance finding free hookers at nightclubs
    + Good haggling skill that gives better hooker prices and a small bonus when selling drugs.

    - Low weapon handling skill
    - Log robbery skill
    - Takes room for 2 in a gang

    Specialty stats are Charisma and Tolerance.

    The Gangster is a neutral criminal with evenly divided characteristics.

    + Higher gang leading skills, can handle more members than normal
    + Higher drug tolerance

    A partner in crime!

    + High weapon handling skill
    + Very high robbery skill
    + High gang robbery planning skill. If this character plans the robbery the success probability is increased.

    Specialty stats are Strength and Intelligence.
    Last edited by Zed7; 08-08-2010 at 12:00 PM.



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