U have banned some player in italy but the bug they come used also from others, please control the player :

T3RR3M0T0 [ID: 2468379] ( the same who win last edisction) he use bug of intelligence, stamina and other.

abbacchiepolli [ID: 2466945] Script bug

Rispetto: 20694
Uccisi: 2 script bug

MasterLed [ID: 3163673] cheatin stamina bug

DeathR0W [ID: 3030699] stamina bug en streight bug

Rotello [ID: 3016880] script,stamina and intelligence bug

IlCelta [ID: 1400484] bug of streight

they can be enough? I do not understand why they not bannate them, in primis T3RR3M0T0 [ID: 2468379] he has milion of eroine e hundred of tiket.

p.s. the list is long is alone examples
these are the true ones citter,not those that you have banned