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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    England, London

    Thumbs down re: Vash can u answer questions not write what do u think?

    You should feel shame for your questions... Wash is the person who gives his time that you play without any abuse and you coming just to criticize his work.. I feel sorry to vash that players are so rude to him. Vash you are the best and keep working good as you always do !
    Life is about evolving & I try to make changes everyday to become a better person.

  2. #2


    So lets make voiting who think he is good in abuse who thinks he should be fired. I think this game is mainly for players and owners/manager got to care about players opinion.
    I think its obvious that bans which he made this round were mistakes but the question isnt if it was mistake coz there is unban so its obvious that ban was mistake but why the Abuse Crew Leader make such a mistakes, i can propose my answers but he can also answer why he did it i will respect this answer, but i may not agree with it (thats called democracy learn it pls)

    My propose:
    a) he doesnt know enough about this game
    b) he doesnt work enough hard to check this case exactly before making ban
    c) he banned them on purpose to make their game harder
    d) he doesnt know enough and he doesnt work enough hard



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