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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default The Real Top Gang

    Ok, im here because I have about 60 players, that deserve to know what happen with our gang. Our gang are dissolved by a bug, discovered by an Egyptian. This guy, with a dirty history, discover that he could send a link to the leader, and this link could dissolve any gang. Now I have some questions for crew:

    1- How could be possible someone out of our gang, have access to this link, if just a leader could be ?

    2- If the rules say that all bugs must be reported, and we cant get vantage, why nothing happened with him ?

    3- If crew say that ‘’theres no bug’’, why crew fix it ? And fix because we see that was fixed.

    (Rules 6. Bugs must be reported when found and any use of a bug will result in a penalty).

    So, we report a bug, and we get punish? this bug already be confirmed by two crews, and they see that this really exist, and fixed it. They see the conversation, where this guy send it, and remove last message (of course remove) And now, saying that ‘’theres no evidence’’. If theres no evidence, why fix the bug ?
    So, now is clear that someone don't want be fair with us, and all time and money (a lot) we spend here, was wasted.
    I don't wanna believe that this is a corrupt game, but now, im confused. I saw dirty players get vantage with a bug, and its is very clear.
    So, memox I know you are a fair man, working hard for improve this game, but im sorry, this time you or some crew committed a big mistake. Today you show to us that dirty players can still break the rules, cuz nothing will happen. Great exemple!
    You certainly will lost many accounts with this big unfair. I hope you keep your great work, and next time take the right decision.

    Last edited by smk; 07-08-2014 at 06:52 AM.

  2. #2


    yes i agree 100% with smk ... for us a bug for few abuse not ? why tell now: not ? but before they fix it ? few people from abuse do not understand what happend ? only listen mario. hamada how to play fair? and whenever he play he take a ban? and he and more him ppl talk about fair game? buhahah ... its funny ... and i realy hope memox check it and make the right decisions.

  3. #3


    The crews already said it was a bug, memox sent the gang back and why retired? because mario orden someone in the crew? what happening in this game.
    I think it really was a bug and need be correct.

  4. #4


    Complementing the greatest shame and Brazilian'' crew member'' defending another nation, certain things should only be given to people who were actually the head in place ..
    work with systems analysis, see some various bugs I report when it appears, but it has certain types of people before reporting use in their favor, with support from'' TOP'', spent all round an amount of credits, give income to match for some burlarem the same and take the chance of many who play for fun, I've seen many users
    winning by bug, imacros and other software, some others were discovered not know because they become invisible to the eye'''' Crew Member, this round was a fiasco, in fact in my opinion should not even count it in the statistics of winners not to soil the memory of TheCrims and there where many great winners, our gang was disbanded because of bug, returned by the game owner Memox after'' other'' Crewzinhos learned of the incident began to meddle, so soon ''Little Friends'' our competitor, thereby achieving dissolve once the gang, unfortunately in our Flag BR there is no support but a VS, I'm giving a goodbye but spend on the game and help in reports after this round there will be a my part, if I log in the account will be to review the friends of truth with those who honor their country's power does not reach the head good luck to all who continue ..
    (cK Team 7 Years old)

    Complementando, a vergonha maior e brasileiro ''crew member'' defendendo outra nação, certas coisas só deveriam se dada á pessoas que realmente estivesse a cabeça no lugar..
    trabalho com Análise de sistemas, vejo vários bugs reporto alguns quando aparece, mas tem certos tipos de pessoas que antes de reportar usam ao seu favor, com apoio de ''SUPERIORES'', gasto todo round uma quantia de créditos, dou lucro ao jogo para alguns burlarem o mesmo e tirar a chance de muitos que jogam por diversão, já vi vários usuários
    ganhando por bug, imacros e outros softwares, alguns foram descobertos outros não sei o porque se tornam invisíveis ao olho ''Crew Member'', esse round foi um fiasco, na verdade na minha opinião não deveria nem contabilizar-lo nas estatísticas de vencedores para não sujar a memoria do Thecrims aonde existe vários e ótimos vencedores, nossa gangue foi dissolvida por causa de bug, devolvida pelo dono do jogo Memox, depois que outros ''Crewzinhos'' ficaram sabendo do ocorrido começaram a se meterem, logo assim ''Amiguinhos'' do nosso concorrente, assim conseguindo dissolver de vez a gangue, infelizmente na nossa Bandeira BR não existe um apoio e sim um CONTRA, vou dando um até logo mas gastar com o jogo e ajudar em reports depois desse round não haverá por minha parte, se eu logar a conta vai ser pra rever os amigos de verdades com honra sua pátria aqueles que o poder não sobe a cabeça boa sorte a todos que continuarem..
    (cK Team 7 Years old)
    Last edited by CompCK; 07-08-2014 at 03:26 AM.

  5. #5


    I agree with smk!

  6. #6


    We all know how that game is ... a "FRIENDS" Game , and if you'r not ... we all know
    This game is full of Bugs i repport 3 just that round , it happend now in TOP GG , Memox know it was a bug , give the point back and then someone take again? Why? because we see here kids crying for a "corrupted" top GG , and call noobs from ppl who make +40KK . sorry about that ...

    TEAM CLOSED FOR TOP GG , in the right place ...

  7. #7


    I agree with SMK

  8. #8


    I think every bug has to be rewarded, and proved that this was a bug

  9. #9


    O que eu posso dizer sobre isto ? Outro round cheio de bugs...e depois vejo jogadores a falarem de corrupção.

    1º Corrupção ? Se este jogo é corrupto, é porque certas e determinadas pessoas fazem para que ele o seja.
    2º Impressiona-me o facto de as pessoas que falam em "Corrupção", já terem sido banidas 3,4,5 vezes. Lembram-se porque é que foram banidas ? Hmm, talvez porque são corruptos (só na minha opinião).
    3º Continuo a dizer, a crew não podem ser só 3 ou 4 a decidir, são todos! A maioria decide. Já disse no round passado, errar é humano, mas pior cego é aquele que não quer ver.

    Espero e desejo que resolvam isto da melhor maneira. A todos os amigos e membros do gg "TEAM CLOSE", muito obrigado pela amizade e pelo grande round que fizemos.

    Now translate this if you want. I support this 120% ! Thank you.

  10. #10


    I think every bug has to be rewarded, and proved that this was a bug!



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