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  1. #1

    Default Friendly warning. Stats sucker gangs

    This is a bit ironic, there are some gangs out there recruiting members with a claim of getting stronger and doing more hunts, the funny thing is when you check that gang, it's one of the top gangs in the game. So what they do is, they gather as many members as they can (they avoid inviting Hitmen), and on the other hand, they already have another gang of Hitmen members, probably their main, and the gang you joined have their alts in it to act as different persons.
    Then the party begins, they start hunting their own "alternative" gang that you were invited to, and they suck up everyone's stats doing so with their main gang that's almost nowhere to see on the top gang list cause the gang points is quite low, but don't be tricked, cause the members are probably top Hitmen.
    The current gang doing so and the one that I was tricked by is called [TBH] Cr ON Day 44, and their main gang is 35616344612.
    I'm hundred percent sure that this is a trick so I'm just warning you, never join a gang you don't trust. They be like, oh, we need more trustable members please join us bro, n they dun even f***in know me. So yeah.. What made me sure of it is because the member getting attacked wasn't kicked, also, both the gang leaders has almost the same name (Obviously the same person), but before, the leader was different so they're premades, no doubt.

    Be careful out there, just stick with Virtual Gangs, and Single Robberies.
    Peace, gangsters

  2. #2


    Beware of Stryker and StrykerPinho. Could be the same player from both gangs

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Hello AbedFa,

    Please, use the our Support Center for reports.

  4. #4


    Hello Peppe69,
    I'm not reporting anything here, I only intended to make this a general discussion and a somewhat warning to my fellow gangsters who might get tricked trapped the same way.
    Thanks for understanding. (And I actually hope you guys check the tickets for real cause I already have couple and none have been answered yet)

  5. #5


    yeh thats all this gane is about now.
    rabbits and bots. always has and always will be the same



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