Hi there. so let me get this . You are telling me that Memox told Fullen the next special rob no ? And you think this to be true because Mods are playing? Correct ?. Now if this is the case i can tell you 100 % that this will NEVER EVER HAPPEN . Nobody in crew Know what rob comes and in what day . What we do know is that Warren comes after day 80 or 90 but we do not know what day it is .

Now regarding Mods playing and milking you . You should know that no gangs is safe and I really do hope that none of the MODS told you that the gang is safe and after that you got milked . IF THIS HAPPEND I WANT TO SEE PRINT OF THAT and I can tell you now that , that MOD will pay the price.

I saw your report on Support but again no proof and from what you pasted here i just see joking about something that I can tell you 100 % is not true.