Hello gangsters,

After checking the list of finalists, finally we have the

Congratulations to:

1º xRaFa - 100 credits

2º SycylianBoobs - 50 credits

3º Gui - 30 credits

My ID 10004441 Nick xRaFa
Victim ID 16541655 Nick TBHkiIlkillkill

Você foi atacado por TBHkiIlkillkill Dia 94 @ 06:52
Acabou com a raça dele!
Sua inteligencia aumentou em 259155.
Sua força aumentou em 389989.
Seu carisma aumentou em 258708.
Sua resistencia aumentou em 315515.

My id 17372279 Nick SycylianBoobs
victim id 15076943 nick dig

Ey! You are the man, you showed that mother****er!
Your intelligence increased with 231992
Your strength increased with 265949
Your charisma increased with 232227
Your tolerance increased with 255714

Gui ID: 16657309
vlHH ID: 11907987

You have been attacked by vlHH Day 76 @ 20:50
You won the match.
Your intelligence increased with 24403.
Your strength increased with 183932.
Your charisma increased with 24520.
Your tolerance increased with 76267.