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  1. #1

    Default Suggestion for moral status

    Hello, good afternoon everyone!

    Here was asking me if the moral status directly influences the gameplay.

    It would be interesting to put some constraints / risks to perform actions under certain level of morality? So that during the game, we have to, and control the stamina also control the moral. This would create more dynamic and offer other possibilities to the game. But for this, the distance between "low morale" and "super junkie" would have to be higher, since at the time just a visit to any nightclub to jump from low to super high.

    I am willing to help if they want to work the idea!
    For the record, this is the best round I played and I hope to contribute to make it even better in the next.

    Btw, sorry for the bad english. I'm brazilian and i don't have any study in English, as well as games, music and series and the poor lessons in high school hahah

    See ya!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Well If you are willing to develop the idea please do and send it to my email ; [email protected]
    Our goal is to make this game grow and we will need the help of the players to do so . Feel free to post here all the ideas you might have

  3. #3


    I'll try to put it on paper in detail, as a proposal. From there we then adjusting as necessary, okay?



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