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  1. #1

    Thumbs up [GUIDE] Random events explained

    The magic of this game is in randomness, so to win something depends a lot on strategy but also needs a bit of luck, below will list the random events of the game (some not) but it is only for the basic understanding of the game, many beginners stay lost, then I'll give a little shove!

    The economy is booming!
    Solo and gang robberies will give an extra random percentage of money.

    Stocks go up!
    An action will raise the price, you can buy the hint of which stock and which day
    certain stock will go up or down the price by 10 credits.

    Stocks go down!
    An action will drop the price, you can buy the hint of which stock and which day
    certain stock will go up or down the price by 10 credits.

    Black Thursday
    Random event, market actions price will fall.

    A prisoner's dream?
    Random event, the cost to get out of jail will be lower.

    Cheap drugs to reduce hospital debt
    Random event, the price of drugs at the hospital will be reduced.

    Random event, certain drug will raise the price.

    Random event, certain drug will drop the price.

    Big business at the drug dealer

    Random event, you will have twice as many times in traffic.

    Big drug delivery!
    Random event, after being announced in the newspaper a lot of all
    the drugs will fall into traffic, do not have the right time is totally random.


    The ship is in the port, sometimes it will buy more than one drug, you can
    earn 10% of the price of the boat by paying 10 credits.

    End Game
    5 actual days before the end of the round (ie 20 days in the tc), all the robberies
    will give 50% more money.

    Police reinforcement
    Random event, solo and gang robberies will have a random percentage of difficulty
    increased but also one will give an extra random percentage of money.

    Random event, solo and gang robberies have a chance to get you to jail
    even if you have the power needed to perform the robbery, however you
    you will not lose money when you go to prison, this event does not apply to virtual gangs.

    Crazy Credit Days!
    Random event, the purchase price of credits lowers during the day of the event.

    Random after day 1. Carnival theft will be available during the day. (solo)

    Santa Claus is here!
    Random after day 1. Theft Santa Claus will be available during the day. (solo)

    "Grande Mafioso" seen in Crim City!
    Random after day 5. The Grande Mafioso robbery will be available during the day. (solo)

    Drug King in town!
    Random after day 10. Drug King will be available during the day.(solo)

    The Sea Captain
    Random after day 25. Theft The Captain will be available during the day, this
    Theft has low cash reward but provides good amounts of
    drugs. (solo)

    The Narcotics Brigade is in town!
    Random after day 25. Theft Narcotics Brigade will be available during
    day, this robbery has good cash reward and provides a certain amount
    of drugs for theft. (solo)

    Chuck Norris is in town!
    Random after day 75. Theft Chuck Norris will be available during the day.(solo)

    Oil Tycoon of Dubai is in town!
    Random after day 1. Theft The Oil Tycoon of Dubai will be available during the day.(gang)

    Bill Gates is in town!
    Random after day 30. Theft Bill Gates will be available during the day.(gang)

    Warren Buffet is on a Quick Tour!
    Random after day 90. The robbery Warren Buffet will be available during the day.(gang)

    The Illuminati is real!
    Random after day 100. The Illuminati steal will be available during the day.(gang)

    VIP EVENTS (Random days)

    Boat in the harbor
    The boat is a small version of the regular boats that arrive in Crim City every once in a while. This boat will buy a limited quantity drugs from you to a higher price than the drug dealer offers. The amount of drugs the boats will buy increases during the round.

    Truck at the docks
    The truck will buy a limited quantity drugs from you to a higher price than the drug dealer offers. The amount of drugs the trucks will buy increases during the round.

    Cheap drugs
    During this event you will receive a lower price on one specific drug at the drug dealer. It is an excellent opportunity to buy drugs to a better price.

    Drug price up
    When this event occurs you will receive a higher price at the drug dealer on one specific drug. The price change applies to both sell and buy prices. If you have some extra drugs you want to sell then this is the time to do it.

    obs: sorry for bad english, suggestions and fixes are always welcome !

    EDIT 1: Correcting some typos, added vip events
    Last edited by Noxx; 03-05-2018 at 06:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Noxx View Post
    The magic of this game is in randomness, so to win something depends a lot on strategy but also needs a bit of luck, below will list the random events of the game (some not) but it is only for the basic understanding of the game, many beginners stay lost, then I'll give a little shove!

    The economy is booming!
    Solo and gang robberies will give an extra random percentage of money.

    Stocks go up!
    An action will raise the price, you can buy the hint of which stock and which day
    certain stock will go up or down the price by 10 credits.

    Stocks go down!
    An action will drop the price, you can buy the hint of which stock and which day
    certain stock will go up or down the price by 10 credits.

    Black Thursday
    Random event, market actions price will fall.

    A prisoner's dream?
    Random event, the cost to get out of jail will be lower.

    Cheap drugs to reduce hospital debt
    Random event, the price of drugs at the hospital will be reduced.

    Random event, certain drug will raise the price.

    Random event, certain drug will drop the price.

    Big business at the drug dealer

    Random event, you will have twice as many times in traffic.

    Big drug delivery!
    Random event, after being announced in the newspaper a lot of all
    the drugs will fall into traffic, do not have the right time is totally random.


    The ship is in the port, sometimes it will buy more than one drug, you can
    earn 10% of the price of the boat by paying 10 credits.

    End Game
    5 actual days before the end of the round (ie 20 days in the tc), all the robberies
    will give 50% more money.

    Police reinforcement
    Random event, solo and gang robberies will have a random percentage of difficulty
    increased but also one will give an extra random percentage of money.

    Random event, solo and gang robberies have a chance to get you to jail
    even if you have the power needed to perform the robbery, however you
    you will not lose money when you go to prison, this event does not apply to virtual gangs.

    Crazy Credit Days!
    Random event, the purchase price of credits lowers during the day of the event.

    Random after day 1. Carnival theft will be available during the day. (solo)

    Santa Claus is here!
    Random after day 1. Theft Santa Claus will be available during the day. (solo)

    "Grande Mafioso" seen in Crim City!
    Random after day 5. The Grande Mafioso robbery will be available during the day. (solo)

    Drug King in town!
    Random after day 10. Drug King will be available during the day.(solo)

    The Sea Captain
    Random after day 25. Theft The Captain will be available during the day, this
    Theft has low cash reward but provides good amounts of
    drugs. (solo)

    The Narcotics Brigade is in town!
    Random after day 25. Theft Narcotics Brigade will be available during
    day, this robbery has good cash reward and provides a certain amount
    of drugs for theft. (solo)

    Chuck Norris is in town!
    Random after day 75. Theft Chuck Norris will be available during the day.(solo)

    Oil Tycoon of Dubai is in town!
    Random after day 1. Theft The Oil Tycoon of Dubai will be available during the day.(gang)

    Bill Gates is in town!
    Random after day 30. Theft Bill Gates will be available during the day.(gang)

    Warren Buffet is on a Quick Tour!
    Random after day 90. The robbery Warren Buffet will be available during the day.(gang)

    The Illuminati is real!
    Random after day 100. The Illuminati steal will be available during the day.(gang)

    VIP EVENTS (Random days)

    Boat in the harbor
    The boat is a small version of the regular boats that arrive in Crim City every once in a while. This boat will buy a limited quantity drugs from you to a higher price than the drug dealer offers. The amount of drugs the boats will buy increases during the round.

    Truck at the docks
    The truck will buy a limited quantity drugs from you to a higher price than the drug dealer offers. The amount of drugs the trucks will buy increases during the round.

    Cheap drugs
    During this event you will receive a lower price on one specific drug at the drug dealer. It is an excellent opportunity to buy drugs to a better price.

    Drug price up
    When this event occurs you will receive a higher price at the drug dealer on one specific drug. The price change applies to both sell and buy prices. If you have some extra drugs you want to sell then this is the time to do it.

    obs: sorry for bad english, suggestions and fixes are always welcome !

    EDIT 1: Correcting some typos, added vip events
    Thanks man!

    Best regards,



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