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  1. #1

    Default New Medals. Memox

    Hey memox,

    Why you don't let us to choose medals? You should have done a questionnaire before you changed your medals.

    you guys saying thats design will be good with new design or you guys saying we did a competetion and nobody no join.. because nobody wants to change medals...

    you have to let players for give decision.. because you gain money from players.. so you have to let players..

    or you will not listen our ideas?

    and before game design why you brought the new medals design? those medals f-ucked our eyes..

    please no try to explain something. if this game playing by the players. players have to decision


    only make a poll and lets see together.
    Last edited by Ziwistann; 05-10-2018 at 04:58 PM.

  2. #2


    absolutely +1

  3. #3


    absolutely +1

  4. #4


    absolutely +1

  5. #5


    I agree with these words. +1

  6. #6


    +1 very bad

  7. #7


    +1 very very bad

  8. #8

    Thumbs up

    absolutely +1

  9. #9


    the new design is very bad ,, try make something better or go back to the old design

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I'm sorry but I think we got things wrong here ... Do we have to make a poll to ask you guys permission ?! Do we have to make a poll so we can have 20 guys vote? So 20 guys can talk for all the game ? I remind you that the we made a thread were we asked for HELP and only 2 people sent us medals and we picked the best that will work on the new design.

    I'm quite angry and disappointed that people that never showed interest in actually helping us come now and complain and criticize the work of other players that tried and actually gave us something but on the other hand this is the community and it should not be a surprise.

    To close the subject , I will have a chat with Memox since someone sent us a formal complaint about the meaning of the medals.



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