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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Virtual gangs change !


    I feel compelled to make this post since many of you do not understand why we decided to reduce the number of robs that will have a virtual gang. In order to explain the change I will have to go back in time and talk to you about how the game used to be and what it has become because of Virtual Gangs.

    So when I first started playing the game the thrill of finding a gang and make new friends was the best part of the game . It would literally take hours to make a gang and only 10 min to either get jail or get hit just because one of the members was a spy , that was what made the game great.
    Based on my own experience I can tell you it will take about 1 round to find 7 to 10 people with who you can actually make a gang and If you want win rounds.

    Entering Virtual Gangs .

    Many rounds ago we came to the conclusion that If you start to play day 100 and because of the requirement of the levels , you would not be able to reach lvl 7 . This was a time when each lvl required you to rob a specific gang rob but since then as you can see things have changed.

    So virtuals became good for new players but bad for the game overall and let me explain why .

    By constantly having a fake gang where to rob,players stopped creating normal gangs, they stopped interacting with each other and that in the end is what is bad for The Crims. What is even worse is that literally players have won CUPS by just robbing in virtual without the pressure of losing stats, and this is not why we created Virtuals .

    Now I understand new players complaining about not having virtuals but what I do not understand is how players that have more than 5 years or some even 10 can't make a gang of 7 people to rob. That for me is a little disappointing and as a player I do not understand it.


    We now have 13 levels and in the near future we will try to remake the levels to suit each profession the same with alley and missions but make no mistake , not all TC should get lvl 12 or 13.
    There is no game in the world where all players are the same lvl , not that I know of anyway. Something has to make the difference between players and this is why we have levels and this another part of the game that VIRTUALS made way too easy. I do not find it normal that a guy with 100 h online has can reach the same lvl with someone that has 4 times more.

    Last round we actually found an account with 20 hours that made lvl 11 and 100 kk respect and this is not how the game is supposed to be.

    Now we will probably make some changes to the number of gang robs required for level or just remove the specific gang robs from level requirements but bringing back virtuals is not a viable solution and to be honest none of you came with a valid point to why we should do that.

    Let me be clear , the fact that you tell me you can't pass the level because you do not have time to create a gang and you need a virtual is really not a valid point to why we should be bringing them back. I need more than that to change my mind.

    I really hope this sheds some light on why we decided to make this change and as I said before probably some changes will be made to level requirements by reducing specific gang robs but until then things will remain as they are.

    Have a good round.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello All,

    As I can see by now, some players are good with these changes and some are not.

    As I player, I would like to see more gangs fighting for topgang and robbs. This round was a passing round to the new gang system. People learned that they cannot do anything without a gang. They will start to create their own gangs and more players will have place to robb in the next rounds.

    In addition, some players predicted this change and they created their own gangs and team. I hope to see more of them.

    It was easy to play with virtuals but again, it is really bad for the game purpose. We want you all interact with each other and we want to make new friends, new teams.

    I do agree with bebynho and I do not agree with bringing the virtuals back.

    Have a nice game to all....
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  3. #3


    The game became too boring and lame with virtuals. I dont see any good reasons to have them in game. As you can see, every round when a big gang robbery comes virtuals are full and almost nobody robs in normal gangs. Why? Because people are afraid of losing stats and robbing in virtuals brings you almost the same money(the deficit isn't that big). This should never happen because the game is already a bit you can't even create a gang to robb with people and fight for a medal? Are you serious? How is top 5 respect going to be decided if people robb the same thing, in the same gang(virtual), invest money the same way, using the items exactly the same and so on...who sleeps the most on dealer? Bullshit.

    The game needs a change. Delete all virtuals(even AC,FR etc) and delete the gang robberies requierments from the levels(from all levels). Make gangs more important by remaking the system around them a little bit. Play with a good gang(many members, levels, upgrades, money, guards etc not necessarily big stats) and you gain some advantages like more money from robbs, more hooker production, bigger bonus at ships, more tickets or whatever and also gang robberies. Bring gangs into play, force people to comunicate and cooperate..force them to risk their stats by robbing in normal gangs, not in virtuals like chickens..and if people are still deluded enough to play without a gang, so be's their own choice to have small respect at the end.

    Today, when fk came (day 80) only a gang tried to robb in normal gang, but they got a GA very fast and after that, they all went in virtual..literally no gang robbed FK and virtual had full players the whole now i ask you, the virtuals lovers, where is the fun in that? Learn to avoid GAs and stop crying.

    The game used to be much harder and nobody it's too easy and people complain a lot.

  4. #4


    understand that not everyone has the time to look for friends to the gang. I play solo and when I ask people from the top gang about robberies, they do not suit me. lost time to write to children because I can not do random robbery. sorry for english
    Last edited by dzimi4fun; 08-02-2018 at 10:50 PM.

  5. #5


    Activate virtual qanq! I have no time to debate the request for join robbery requests!

  6. #6


    Until now the 137th day of the new TC 12 ID arrived at the main level, for example, look at the statistics for example:
    1. *fransX
    Respect: 139230000
    Kills: 64
    2. KINGf4c3l3ss
    Respect: 118999000
    Kills: 50
    3. *LittleShemale
    Respect: 116620000
    Kills: 89
    4. *yoBogdan
    Respect: 113516000
    Kills: 59
    5. *JendralTC
    Respect: 105929000
    Kills: 49
    6. *EliteTheCrimsBr
    Respect: 86937500
    Kills: 59
    7. Gidozi
    Respect: 56419000
    Kills: 68
    8. *OwnBack
    Respect: 53232000
    Kills: 57
    9. *Maicon
    Respect: 45858200
    Kills: 12
    10. Exgotao
    Respect: 29356900
    Kills: 632
    11. *xAle29
    Respect: 13403500
    Kills: 898
    12. *XxCeifadoBR
    Respect: 8302740
    Kills: 694

    We have not the same time when online, just look at us Indonesian players, it's hard to have playing time together every time
    Yesterday I tried to send a message to another player if there was an RO robbery, help invite me for 500 robberies, but there was no answer!



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