How playerX collect gang point?. Is virtual gang still exist?. Because, in couple year i still in virtual gang.

Honestly, i use 2 account. When i need stats by training then i move to my silly gang. Then move again to Virtual Gang. I hope this habit will change.

In this condition i'm woried about move to another gang take 2 real days. thats is happen if playerX move from RealGang to virtualGang?

I thinks, this make silly player like me really sad. Let's say we have 100.000.000 GangPoint, it's still same for silly player like us. Because Top Gang Leader never invite unknown silly player. For Example : As a gang Leader Beby invite n3nd to gang because close friend, even though n3nd only has 3k respect.

I Vote B and i hope this update make every player can become a very desirable. not because he's an old player, or a close friend of the leader of Gang.

PS : Sorry for my bad english, because english is not my native.