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  1. #1

    Exclamation Porque a página do Mercado de Ações não atualiza igual o Tráfico?

    Bem direto, qual a dificuldade de criar uma página responsiva da mesma forma do tráfico?

    Se eu tiver com a página aberta e alguém ver 5kk de uma ação, não consigo ver, preciso atualizar a página pra saber.
    Isso torna ridiculamente fácil transferir ações de uma conta pra outra e já está assim faz 3 rounds (pelo menos foi os que eu joguei e observei), criando um monopólio de player com ação, dominando quase que 90% de uma ação específica, podendo alavancar o preço facilmente.

    Caso uma mudança fosse feita e o atualizasse as ações assim como no tráfico, acredito que seria muito mais competitivo e mais pessoas focariam no mercado de ações, ao invés de 5 ou 10 players comprarem tudo e dividirem entre eles ou até em contas secundárias com o único propósito de segurar ação ou doar na gang e afins.

    Espero que vejam esse tópico, porque isso é uma coisa super básica e deveria ser assim desde o começo.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    ok so this is good question and the answer is quite simple, the 2 pages were created differently on purpose. We do know they can transfer stock from 1 account to another and many players requested a delay time in Stock market equal to the one we have in Drug Dealer.
    To be honest I said No to it because once we do it it means broker is dead. That would be the ultimate NERF to it and to balance that we would have to give him so many other things.

    We are finally at the point where we are not working that much on profession , I hope this is the last round we make major changes to one , so changing that feature would bring us back to the same.

    As I said before we are working on 4 new things at the moment so it is quite hard to add a new one since we have 1 developer.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    ok so this is good question and the answer is quite simple, the 2 pages were created differently on purpose. We do know they can transfer stock from 1 account to another and many players requested a delay time in Stock market equal to the one we have in Drug Dealer.
    To be honest I said No to it because once we do it it means broker is dead. That would be the ultimate NERF to it and to balance that we would have to give him so many other things.

    We are finally at the point where we are not working that much on profession , I hope this is the last round we make major changes to one , so changing that feature would bring us back to the same.

    As I said before we are working on 4 new things at the moment so it is quite hard to add a new one since we have 1 developer.
    Well I do understand they are different and they meant to be, but at least the page should be responsive, not the delay such as dealer has, I mean not showing the drug that you sell instantly, but just make the numbers show up at the time someone sells and buys....
    Refreshing the page every milisecond, so you can try steal some stock from someone is horrendously bad

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Before R 100 we started to change he front end of the game and from what I know some parts of the game are still going trough that process. In any case I did not know you need to Refresh in order to see new stock entering. I will see if we can have it done for next round

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    Before R 100 we started to change he front end of the game and from what I know some parts of the game are still going trough that process. In any case I did not know you need to Refresh in order to see new stock entering. I will see if we can have it done for next round
    Thanks beby, that's how people were able to transfer safely mostly of the time.
    People are also botting at the drug dealer, from what I've been told, maybe a captcha once and while for ALL players would be good. Like every 4hours (tc time) (4:00 > 8:00 > 12:00 > 16:00 > 20:00, day change), captcha appears for people who still in page and trying to buy drugs. This could also be implemented at the Stock Market, at the same way, just break the time starting at 5:00 > 9:00 > 13:00 > 17:00 > 21:00 (day change).
    This captcha once on while would break the players who are 100% online and stuck with dumb-ass scripts to buy drugs/stocks.

    I'm saying for all players, and hold the drug dealer trades until 4:20, so everyone can complete the captcha, such as changing the day, the 7min delay so people are all in the same spot at the same time.

    Cheers my friend.
    Last edited by DonTPanic; 09-06-2018 at 09:40 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Captcha won't change anything in dealer sadly because people have macros that are set to buy with a click or pressing a key ... We just need to find a way to improve the way we store logs but sadly it is a little bit difficult now.



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