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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Exclamation Rule 5 changes !!!

    Hi boys, I am here to announce a major change. The change does not regard game play but it does touch one of our most important RULES and that is Rule 5. At the moment any bans that we give are bans given to the account and not to the player. We are about to change that,when it comes to rule 5. Starting with next round any ban that is given for rule 5 will be applied to the player and not the account. Meaning that if your ban is 6 months you won't be able to play the game on any other account.If breaking rule 5 leads to a permanent ban all accounts you make after the ban will be banned on sight.

    Polish translation
    Portuguese translation
    Last edited by ShadowsPT; 02-08-2019 at 11:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Rule 5 changes !!!

    Hi boys, I am here to announce a major change. The change does not regard game play but it does touch one of our most important RULES and that is Rule 5. At the moment any bans that we give are bans given to the account and not to the player. We are about to change that,when it comes to rule 5. Starting with next round any ban that is given for rule 5 will be applied to the player and not the account. Meaning that if your ban is 6 months you won't be able to play the game on any other account.If breaking rule 5 leads to a permanent ban all accounts you make after the ban will be banned on sight.

    I suggest you to think twice or more times before you break rule 5.


    Kural 5'te değişiklik,
    Selam gençler. Burada önemli bir değişikliği duyuruyorum. Bu değişiklik oyunun oynanmasına dair bir değişiklik değil ama çok önemli bir kuralla ilgli, 5. Kural. Şu anda, verilen herhangi bir ban hesaba verilen bir ban ve oyuncuya verilen bir ban değildi. Konu kural 5 olunca, bu kuralı değiştirmek üzereyiz. Gelecek sezondan başlamak üzere, bundan sonra kural 5 ile ilgili verilen ceza/ban hesaba değil oyuncuya verilecektir. Yani, ban süreniz 6 ay ise, başka bir hesaptan oyunu oynamanıza izin verilmeyecek. Eğer kural 5 ihlalı kalıcı/süresiz bana sebebiyet verdiyse, o zaman bütün hesaplara ban atılacak ve daha sonra oluşturulan hesaplar da aynı şekilde banlanacaktır.

    Bu kural ihlali yapmadan önce tekrardan düşünün derim )
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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