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Thread: suggestions

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    suggestion: at every / each alley mission the player has 3 options / buttons (if he completed the requirement; if he didn't completed them yet, he will have only 2 options: "skip" or "pause"): "skip mission", "complete mission" and "pause mission". even on the computer some times, because the buttons are so close, you can miss click and press the skip mission when, in fact, you want to hit the "complete mission" button. But, on the phone, especially if u have big fingers like me, you missed the missions a lot. So, my suggestion is, either leave more space between buttons (more rows) or, EVEN BETTER, move them in one single lane, one button next to each other, of course with some space between them. This way you eliminate the possibility of miss clicking.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello razvan,

    Well, these buttons are not the issue. Issue is you are not waiting for the page to load.
    Or you do not give attention to them.

    Even if we have them on different place, we will still have same issues. I do not think that it is because of game. It is because of players.

    Anyway, I hope we will have new design and with that we will work on things. Until then, we can keep it as it is.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by eagleking52 View Post
    Hello razvan,

    Well, these buttons are not the issue. Issue is you are not waiting for the page to load.
    Or you do not give attention to them.

    Even if we have them on different place, we will still have same issues. I do not think that it is because of game. It is because of players.

    Anyway, I hope we will have new design and with that we will work on things. Until then, we can keep it as it is.

    you start by saying "these buttons are not the issue". after a while you admit "Even if we have them on different place, we will still have same issues". so there is a issue. my best guess is just leave space between buttons. for and admin in sql should take no more then 10 sec to add 3 spaces between those 3 buttons and u fixed the issue. for a player on mobile believe me it is an issue: even if i wait for the page to load, it is annoying to search for the buttons (being so small).

    on another note: another idea / suggestion: gang wars - make them last max 15 min from the point the attack was launched and until the gang war is over. reason for that is: lets say day 80 comes in town with RO (applies to day 100 when BB comes to town and also applies for when illuminati comes in town in the same day with gang wars): a shitty gang with only 6 ppl who do not play (no robs, no interaction, no anything) can block your robs for 30 min, then another one blocks you for another 30 min and so on. you loose 2 good hours of robs with 4 gw. those gangs do nothing, they have 6 rabbits (the minimum requirement for gw) and they come alive only once every 24 hours, when gw is on with the sole purpose to block another gang. another idea for this to stop happening: a gang can challenge at gw only + or - 5 spots over their position in top. example: if your gang is in top 7, you should be able to go to gw with gang from max top 2 or minimum top 12. there was the same scenario at street fight a few 40 rounds ago: the top 1 fought only small players and then the admin implemented this rule, where you can fight only 10 places from you. top 1 can fight only top 2 - 9, top 2 can fight only top 1 - 10, etc.
    an even better suggestion (it will make the game more competitive), make the gw maximum 6 places from where your gang is: example: top 1 can fight with top 2-6, top 2 with top 1-7, top 7 can fight with only top 4-10, top 10 can fight with only top 7-13, etc
    Last edited by razvan7; 07-04-2021 at 06:56 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    another suggestion: it can go 2 ways: either each player in gang gets a bonus after a set amount of robs or the whole gang gets the bonus. for example: after each 10.000 robs in the same gang, the player gets lets say 10 % more gang points per each rob (or, if it is set for the whole gang, when the gang does 100.000 robs). when the player reaches 20.000 robs in gang he gets 20 % more gang points from now on (or 200.000 robs for the entire gang), etc. these should raise the interaction in the game. more players, more robs, more clicks.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    - gw should be every 5 days (or 3). if it's only every 4 days, it can be considered an advantage for some areas. example: each time it comes like it is now, it is 10 or 12 am in europe (depending on the zone), but it is around 6 am in brasil, or midnight in australia.
    - it is not fair for top 5 gangs the way the gw is now. every other gang can challenge + or - 5 positions from their current one (that means they can choose from 10 gangs to do gw with). but top 1 can challenge only until top 6 (so they can choose only from other 5 gangs), top 2 can choose until top 7 plus top 1 (they can choose only from 6 gangs), etc. they should all be able to choose from next 10 gangs, in order to be fair.
    - gw crims 1.jpg
    - gw crims 2.jpg
    the gw still gives headaches. try to fix this bugs.

  6. #16


    First Hi And I Hope That I Give Useful Suggestions For Game :

    1- add new gang event ( gangs tournement ) every 8x gangs get random place in tornement table 1st ~ 8th , 9th ~ 16th , 17th ~ 32th etc and 1st get stats , random items or drugs . 2nd get lower stats and random items . 3rd just get stats . Event Every 8x TC Days ( 48h )

    2- add new 6x alley missions , mission for dealer like get amount of drugs and drug cookies when he pass it , mission for robber get cash and googles , mission for broker that can give 10x stock transactions for 1 tc day , mission for BM that give 50% more cash from factories for 2x tc days , mission for pimp that give more profit for hookers 25% for 2x tc days . mission for hitman that give stats and steroids or blood .

    3- give reward for top 1 from each country ( not much ) like some credits and it compared with every country count to get more ppl . example : countries that just got 1 full ranking page ( 20 ~ 39 player ) top 1 get 100x credits , (40 ~ 59 ) 150x , ( 60 ~ 79 ) 200x , ( 80 ~ 99 ) 250x , ( 100 ~ 119 ) 300x and (120+) get 350x . Just Top 1 From Each Country To Make More Ppl Try The Game And Know That They Can Test Game With Some Credits And At Least They Can Get Back

    thanks for reading and i hope that i was helpful
    Last edited by DarkHunteR; 08-23-2021 at 03:06 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    With the new round shortened at 40 days, you missed some features which needs also to be shortened:
    - to pass levels you need to do gang robberies. One level needs 500 gang robs, another needs 750, another 900, 1200, 1500. From my point of view these requirements should be reduces also (at least for robber profession. I did the testing on beta and, this profession will be put behind by these robs requirements: in order to pass levels, the robber must sacrifice tickets to do the gang robberies. If the round was shortened 3/4, the requirements should be shortened at least in half. example: i reached day 10 at chuck and i had to sacrifice 300 tickets to do the gang robberies).
    - the same shortness should be at bank invest also. Now is 4 days, maybe it should be 2 or 3 days. Also, a proposal: make a skill points bank invest: for 5 credits the player can invest his skill points, gained by passing levels or alley missions, for a profit of 50 % in 2 days (or 1 crims day). for 10 credits 75 %. for 20 credits 100 %.

    another big change i would like to propose: a new drug system: in order to get rid of the fight over bid system, i propose this: whoever wants drugs goes to the desired drug component page and, in there, there is only 1 button "ask". the player pushes the button and he will get in a queue. In order to make a difference between the players, we have 3 categories: non vip players, vip 1 and vip2 (vip hunters should be in vip 2 section). non vip can push the button "ask" 5 times every 2 hours (like it is now), vip 1 can push 10 times and vip 2 15 times. the difference will be this: the system gives the drug components in "first come / first served" order. In order to be able to push the button the player must have the money cash. The system can offer drug components to max 40-50 (or 100) bids every 2 hours. Every player can push the button "ask" once a minute (or every 5 min so we make room for more players to bid and make it more competitive). This gives time to mix up the players. If the set amount of drug components is finishes for the time limit of 2 hours, each player who try to bid gets a message "sorry. no more drugs at this time, come back later". This way (in my opinion), there will be no more fight over bids and each profession must calculate his tactic very well.

    - another idea (I still try to figure it out how to put it in practice, but the general idea is): a new district with only 1 street in it. Who ever holds the street gets, as reward, 1 extra slot in gang. (this will be a killer for top gang fight). In order to get the slot, a gang member should apply in the street. Then he must wait until another player from another gang applies also. In that moment, a fights between those 2 gangs should be on. Whoever wins the fight gets the extra slot for 4 thecrims days. IF the extra gang slot is not fesable, you can replace it with 10 % more gang points for each player in the gang that wins it.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    since you shortened the round, maybe you can shorten the bingo item also. when the round was 120 days, the player was able to buy bingo starting with day 10. it is normal now, when the round is 40 days, that the player can buy bingo starting with day 5 (in my opinion).

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    revoke all virtual gangs. and make the bots to rob in normal gangs. basically, whoever creates a gang, if he wants to rob and he doesn't have enough trusts or players in his gang, the bots will come and help 1 rob each minute. This will level the points between gangs, the fight for top gang will be way more interesting because all gangs can rob (slower, but they will rob).
    note: if the bots are used in a rob, then the points are given only to the gang itself and not the players. (up for discussion if the players should take points when the bots are robbing also)

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello alina,

    All level requirements have been carefully calculated and decided. We did not want them to be soo easy like on longer system.

    Investment is not something we can change based on the lenght of the round.

    About drug system, what do you expect? Do you expect to receive free drugs? Or how would that work? We have thought a lot over auctions system and to improve it. But, this is what we have for the moment.

    About district which gives you opportunity to have 1 more member, this is a bit complicated and broken. So, we do not consider such idea to implement in the game. But this was the most interesting suggestion among your opinions.

    Well, when we shortened round, we also considered to change the day. But then, we decided to keep it like this for a reason.

    Well having bot accounts on virtuals is already a lot complicated. When we asked, it was even hard to change their timing on robberies. So, this is too complicated to create on game.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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