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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Exclamation Round 134 Changes !


    I know this is late but here the changes for this round.

    General game changes

    *Available after day 5

    *Available on day 25

    Street fight
    *Available every day TC

    * Gang upgrades and donations were reduced by 5

    * Available every 24 H instead of 48.

    Gang wars
    No changes made

    Alley Missions
    Some missions were updated to give more info to new players but no major changes were made.

    VIP packs

    Vip pack Gold 7 euros
    Vip pack Plat : 7 euros for the 1st purchase , 10 euros for the rest of round
    Vip pack Assassin: 7 euros for the 1sst purchase , 10 euros for the rest of the round

    VIP pack Gold - Is the old VIP PACK 2
    This VIP user can buy 2 Items

    VIP pack Platinum - Is the old VIP Pack 3
    This VIP user can buy 3 special Items

    VIP Pack Assassin -
    This user can buy 3 special items

    Non VIP users can buy 2 items

    VIP events were reduced and adjusted to the new round length as follows
    *Gold Pack - 10 events
    *Platinum pack - 20 events
    *Assassin pack - 20 events


    For 5 TC days your hookers will earn 300% more money.
    30 hours
    New percentage : 400% instead of 300 %

    Labour Love
    For 6 TC days your buildings will produce 400% more drugs.
    36 hours
    New Percentage : No change

    Money Laundering
    This item gives you a steady 10% return on one investment. Works only between day 1 and 40.
    <New percentage : 20 %

    Activate this item and you will get tickets! The first time you buy this item you will get 1000 tickets, second time 900 tickets, third time 800, fourth time 750 and after that 700 tickets every time. Available from day 10. This item will give you 1000 tickets.
    -should stay the same at it is right now for hitman(with less tickets / buy)

    Component Addict
    Gives you 300% more components from single robberies.
    24 hours
    New percentage:400 %

    NASA Labs
    Increases the amount of drugs laboratories can produce by 200%. This item will not affect already started productions.
    24 hours
    New percentage: 400%

    Changes to PROFESSIONS

    Changes for all professions
    Hooker payout increased by 15 %
    * Reduced the initial price by 50 %
    * Faster upgrade timer for buildings
    * Every profession besides Hitman will lose 2 tickets when making a Kill
    * All events including boats were reduced to sue the length of the round

    * Reduced the amount of money they receive from single and gang robberies.
    *More money from single robberies 30% at level 12
    *More money from gang robberies 20% at level 12

    NOTE : I honestly hope I did not forget anything. As I said before there were around 450 changes brought to the game but as you can imagine I can't post all of the here.
    For changes regarding rob power and when robberies are to be expected please check the game guide .
    Last edited by eagleking52; 12-11-2021 at 09:44 PM.

  2. #2


    Publishing this article in the middle of the round was amateur mistake... instead of writing statuses on Facebook asking if we were ready for the round when you obviously weren't. If you weren't ready for the round, you could have moved it a few days later, but I know that Christmas is coming and you needed money for gifts. The big mistake begin the round without this article.

    I'm sure that you'll argue that we had new game guide for the 40-day round, in which there were an incredible number of mistakes. A game guide to linking to another site is a good idea..the most amateur players don't even know it exists.
    Is it difficult to put a game guide on the main page?
    30 minutes before the start of the game the wrong number of special items... and I'm not even talking about the university... we got a so-called surprise compared to what you had in game guide...

    I could write here for a long time, but you don't care anyway.

    Vip pack Gold 7 euros
    Vip pack Plat : 7 euros for the 1st purchase , 10 euros for the rest of round
    Vip pack Assassin: 7 euros for the 1sst purchase , 10 euros for the rest of the round

    Vip platinum cost 7 euros? I probably have a different euro exchange rate.

    Who would buy Vip gold if it costs the same as Vip platinum?

    Production bonus, hookers bonus, weapons bonus costs 100 credits for 40tc days? It cost 120 credits for 120 days. Is that a Christmas surcharge?
    And what about university prices?
    150credits or 50,000,000$ compared to weapons where a 2,500,000,000$ weapon costs 15 credits.
    It's ridiculous, but you know there are still sheep who will of course pay for it..

    You have reduced the necessary stats for lvls, robberies, street fights. What about reducing statistics from rave fights...

    Top1 killer which has many times higher statistics than me takes as many stats as I can get back in 10 street fights...

    In a short 40-day round to let 5kk respect from the statistics is a right ? This is a huge advantage for a players who buys stats from other players for money at the end of the round.
    Only last round I received 5 offers to buy stats.
    Such players who trade with stats are not punished?
    You wrote that you want to make the game easier and more accessible for everyone ?!

    The investment lasts 4 days in a 40-day round?

    And what about auctions that don't update their price in the last seconds?

    Activate this item and you will get tickets! The first time you buy this item you will get 1000 tickets, second time 900 tickets, third time 800, fourth time 750 and after that 700 tickets every time. Available from day 10. This item will give you 1000 tickets.

    How can i use this item 4 times when there are only 3 special items?

    Reducing special items is a step in the back, makes the game much boring and reduce the possibility of strategies.

    If it was a game where there are minimal amounts for VIPs and credits, I wouldn't write anything ... but it's ridiculous what you offer players for such high amounts.

    The prizes of everything remained the same, but the prize for the winner decreased by 200 euros.

    I know it's easier for you to make 2-3 rounds a month and grab more money, but adjust the prices too !!!

    Try to think less to increase your profits, but rather increase the quality of the game.

    30 rounds here you mention that you are constantly working on a new design and application and then you published the alpha design here, which looks like a semetral work of a 6th grade elementary school student in 2003 year.
    Terribly confusing design..

    It's hard to find some positive words for me...

    Last edited by rsp; 12-17-2021 at 07:29 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013



    First of all, as I can see, you do not have 1 single useful feedback for us to improve the game. All you did is complaining about prices of the games. This is nonsense in my opinion.

    If a person complains about vip pricing and when the same person complains about reducing money awards of top winners, that person can easily lose my attention and I can think that this person is either retarded or braindead who cannot even think. Well, with an optimistic point of view, I can also think that, this person has not been playing for the last 5 or 10 rounds to know about vip pricing and money awards. But still, all of these estimations are just a reason for me to lose attention on you and on your post.

    Now lets come to the question why?

    Vip3 was 20 euro when it came first and it was well bought by the players. I remember 1 person bought more than 50 vip3 during a round, but what? He did not even ended on top1 or top2. which clearly shows that game is not pay2win but it shows strategical part.

    Then, due to corona, we decided to reduce it to 15 euro. It was 15 euro for long time.

    And the last 2 3 previous rounds, we reduced it to 10 euro "AT FIRST PURCHASE". and then it was 15 euro after you delete and rebuy. So, it was still not directly 10 EUR.

    But we had reduced it to 7 euro at first purchase, and then it was 10 euro which could be affordable when considering the vip incomes. (items, bonuses, etc.). VIP price is not based on lenght of the round only. It is based on all the bonuses and its incomes. VIP is giving you jail breakouts and private cares, etc which you can use credits instead. And they are almost equal to 1k credits or more. If we talk about that, in most of the countries, 1k credits is 10 euro.

    So, lets not lie to each other. VIP packages are not expensive as you said. They are even giving much more profit than before considering the fact that we reduced its price.

    About money awards; Maybe you did not realize it, because you do not think enough when talking/writing here, but money awards have already been starting with 200 euro at start for long time. The award increased per each vip purchase during the round and you see the price higher because of this.

    So, if the money award is not 500 EUR like past rounds, that means game has not sold that many vip as before, so award did not increase that much. This also brings us to one sing opinion back. When most of you (crazy people) think that we made short rounds for money, this fact shows that we did not even make half of the money we used to do with longer round. So, we did not make this change for money. But, we can go back to old version because of this reason if the income does not even meet our expenses for the game. This is a business wise decision and it must be investigated by the owners of course.

    We are making changes based on player feedbacks and also we try to keep the game fresh with new features to create new strategies on competition of winners. But still, you are acting like we are not player friendly. This will not the change what we do for sure. But, it is a bit annoying to see such clueless people.

    About game prices, if you compare university feature with weaponse, that means you know nothing about game and how it is played.

    They are both different features and pricing can be different for sure.

    About weapon and productions boosts, we were thinking to increase their credit pricing already on longer ones because it is nothing when we consider how much profit you take from productions. So, lets pass this.

    About respect from stats, we are already making a change on it. So, if you did not hurry to complain here, you would have seen it next round. As you understand, with such big changes, you may have to see the resutls first to decide about some parts of the game. Such as respect from stats, or power requirements.

    If I shorten the round, why would I change investment when it works properly? If I have to balance a profession, of course, I can consider it. But for the moment, there is no point of changing it.

    At the same time, at last minute of auctions, many players are bidding and it is normal behaviour that prices may not be updated. How can you expect it to be update when someone already makes another bid until it updates. We are talking about miliseconds here. Not even seconds. So, I can clearly say, talking is easy but when it comes to thinking wisely, most people are lazy.

    Well, that rule is created with old 8 or 10 items version. And if we bring back that option, this item will remain with these rules. Why is it bothering you? I really do not understand it. When you have the info, you complain. When you donot have the info, you again complain. So, I just getting annoyed more and more after I read such criticals.

    I wish you had not even dared to write this. Because based on who or which country, vip prices are pretty nice according to european countries. And when we consider that we pay to Amazon for servers and extra services, this is the affordable price. Well, it might even be low still.
    We will see it after next round. And we will decide if it is affordable.

    AND finally, lets come to the alpha design. What have you given us as suggestion for alpha? Nothing. I am sorry but I have never seen your ticket about alpha or about beta bug findings. So I really hate to see people writing shits when they did nothing for the game about giving suggestions or reporting bug findings.

    You just came here to complain about prices but maybe in real life, you spend much more than this 10 euro for more useless things. Yeah you are right, because it is easy to complain here since you have us.

    We are not asking you to spend your money for the game, we are not even putting a gun on your head to keep you in game. You enjoy spending time on this game. And this game has expenses to survive. This is why there are prices inside the game. You either play with them or without.
    You are even free to play without spending 1 single penny. Registrations are free, did you forget? You robb, you play, you do whatever you want without credits.

    But, if you want to win something, or if you want to have more joy, you can buy vip packs and credits. So, this is not our fault. If you think that prices are too expensive for you, please play without buying them.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  4. #4


    You didn't write a single wise argument.
    You only revolve around VIP prices.
    Why don't you answer my other questions?
    You probably don't have the IQ to understand what I wanted to tell you.
    Why did you start the round without the article of changes ? (I'm not talking about a game guide with horrible mistakes)
    You argue that you had 450 changes.
    For me, these are just changes in formulas.

    "About respect from stats, we are already making a change on it. So, if you did not hurry to complain here, you would have seen it next round. As you understand, with such big changes, you may have to see the resutls first to decide about some parts of the game. Such as respect from stats, or power requirements." ----------- You just need common sense to know that there will not be big respects in a 40-day round and 5kk respect from the stats is very much.

    "What have you given us as suggestion for alpha? Nothing. I am sorry but I have never seen your ticket about alpha or about beta bug findings."

    Are you serious about what you wrote?
    Half an hour before the start of the round, you had the wrong numbers of special items ...
    This information is most important for the strategy of the game, but you don't know anything about it because you don't play it.
    And the screenshot with the university that you had in the game guide?
    Who then alerted you via live chat?
    You still haven't written me off for 2 weeks to 1 ticket.
    So stop writing such nonsenses.
    People have planned some tactics, set aside a budget ... and find out at the beginning of the round that the game is completely different from what was promised?
    And before the end of the round, you published a article of changes, from which it is clear which character was the strongest ...

    If I made such a mistake at work, I would be fired a long time ago.
    But you still write here as a world champion.

    Did you expect from me to make you an alpha proposal? (But you're right, I'd do better proposal in sketchbook in 5 minutes.)
    Is it my job or yours?
    Do you get a salary for this game or me?
    Am I responsible for this game or you?

    Either do your work 100% or don't do it at all.

    Please write to me factually and concisely .. I don't want to read your insignificant sauces...
    Last edited by rsp; 12-19-2021 at 02:06 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello rsp,

    Game Guide was prepared over the documents which were including 2 different versions and this is why some numbers were not updated. We have already explained this to the ones who was in touch with us.

    One of them was university. Yes, but still, almost all the informations were included on the game guide to help you people for sure. To understand the changes we made.

    We have not changed many things there to be honest. You are just confusing it. What items did we change for example? We have changed level 12 gang donation requirements because this was something supposed to be done before.

    Most of other changes are already included on game guide. End game was mentioned also.

    Of course, it is general game guide and you can be right that we were supposed to prepare a changelog as well before the start. Which bebynho already apologized for and explained the reason. We had thought that game guide would be enough to explain everything.

    About having game guide on support center instead of game itself, the gameguide we have on game is hardcoded and it may take years to update it with some of the informations we wanted.
    So, I have taken the initiative to prepare a game guide on support center and I did my best to included all the informations there.

    Of course, due to incomptability of the system on support center, we could not include all. But, we have tried to add videos, screenshots, or links to the current game guide with these specific informations.

    So what? I am to blame for creating you something helpful? I had shared it with planning team firstly and then with players to make sure that everything was right in there. As I said, since 2 different version was presented in documents. But, it got messed there.

    This is not your fault and we can understand it.

    But, complaining about prices when we have these facts, I am sorry but you are losing the focus on that moment since all these facts are showing that we did reduced the pricing.

    About alpha, if you find it useless or amateur, and if you make critiques about it, you should also give an opinion how would you expect it? I am not a developper and I am not a designer.
    This is what we have compatible for mobile version, we are using it.

    Insted of blackening what is done, you can give an opinion how to make better one. This is our approach in here. It is not a work for it is not an obligation for you. But, if you do not share anything about it, donot blacken what we have already. I need constructive
    feedbacks which I can use to improve the game.

    What you are doing is just talking shits and complaining about what we have which will bring us to 0 point forward.

    Anyway, rather than discussions and arguements, I hope you can give us something useful so that we may consider it in the future to make the game better for a better view for players.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  6. #6


    I have read a lot of forum posts from other players.
    Where there has been a lot of criticism, a lot of good proposals for change (and that changes was never included).

    But your answer has always been the same:
    We'll be think about it..
    It's stupid, trash...
    It's not possible.
    Bebynho usually took it personally and mostly just cursed at everyone there.

    So, I no longer have a reason to write any suggestions when I already know your answer very well...

    And why did you say that the VIP cost 7 euros? when it cost 10 .. should I request a complaint now ?
    Last edited by rsp; 12-19-2021 at 02:23 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello rsp,

    Well, if you check phantasma, and some other players who are giving feedbacks about alpha and beta game, you can see that we do appreciate their feedbacks.

    Also, when you are writing something related to the game and its functions, no one is taking anything personal. But, when you say that owners are greedy and they want more money without anything giving, which is completely wrong, they can of course get angry and take it personal. Because it is personal.

    Anyway, about price of vip last round.

    It was planned to be 7 euro. But due to a misunderstanding, you are charged 10 euro at starto.

    But later on, we have compensated this mistake with 200 credits on whoever bought vip3 and vip4.

    I hope you change your mind and share your feedbacks about game itself as well.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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