We have created 2 new gang events that will be totally different from what we have now which is a little bit repetitive.
This new type of rob can be improved upon adding new things to it as we go like weapons and add ons you will require in order to perform the robbery.

Game Play

These robs can be performed by players even if they are not part of the same gang, no need for trusted
Rob duration 40 real minutes
Tickets needed for the rob at least 25 (these tickets will be reduced from your account)
No cover
Players should see success probability percentage in the page
In case of failing players will go to jail and will lose 5% of their stats and 10 % of their money
If any of the players that had accepted the rob dies or gets jailed, the rob is performed and the rob will FAIL sending all players to jail
If players leave the gang whilst the rob is in progress the GANG ROB will fail and the gang will be jailed ( create a pop up)
These events will be influenced by secondary events such as Economy and Police Reinforcement
Both events should be random and should come between 4 to 6 times per round
Rewards given will not be influenced by the number of players taking part in the robbery
Crew members cannot join

1st robbery

Warren Buffet (replace old one)

Requirements and game play :
Players must have a level between 4 and 7
rob power of 75 K
Tickets required per rob 25
Minimum number of players required 8, max players 12
Duration of the rob 40 minutes
If failing players will go jail, lose 5% of their stats and 10 % of their money
Robbery will not show up on the gang robbery list if you do not have enough power and if you do not match level requirement which is between 4 and 7 including level 7.

Rewards - only one of the following will be given per rob / per player

50 k stats ( total ) money
10 kk random drug ( Hero , cocaine , Ampheta , morphine, Special K ) (members can receive different drug types but same amount)

The Pentagon

Requirements and game play :

Players must have a level between 8 and 13
rob power of 500 K
Tickets required per rob 35
Minimum number of players required 8, max players 12
Duration of the rob 40 minutes
If failing players will go jail, lose 5% of their stats and 10 % of their money

Rewards - only one of the following will be given per rob

80 k stats ( total ) money
30 kk random drug ( Hero , cocaine , Ampheta , morphine, Special K ) (members can receive different drug types but same amount)
50 random hookers ( last 7 hookers )
150kk random components (members can receive different drug types but same amount)