Quote Originally Posted by memox View Post
I agree that we have failed in preventing bots from playing. A big difference between TC and other games is that we allow multi accounts. We could simply do as Travian and ban anyone that is logging in with more than one account from the same IP (if they dont have an exception). That is very easy to do.

Back to the constructive part. There are things to do, that is for sure. Random events are disturbing just as captchas are. I'd rather have a game without any of those and I am even willing to loose on that "security" to make the game better and more playable. This is a topic that the crew have been discussing especially for the last couple of weeks. There are changes coming that will hopefully improve the situation.
Without multiaccounts do not know what I could do in the game, it sounds weird, but I can not imagine hunting without rabbit. Use all of tickets from one account is five minutes and then what? In such a system how you made the game, lock multi can only disappoint many players. I hope that will be non-multi in TC2 (this project still live?).

For me randoms and captcha is not bad - they may stops stupid script and macros and other stuff. Many site (IT giants) use this system and people are accustomed and accepted it. But when I play 1h and I must rewriate 30 captcha and answear 10 randoms something is wrong, its not the right way. Espescially when I must fight with captcha, where cant read letters.

The last, still dont see full info about Durability (look the picture Yfrog Image : yfrog.com/2885975801g). Other things, that would be nice Yfrog Image : yfrog.com/gitc2g.

Thx 4 delete new captcha, now we can test a news in the beta.