Hy guys

I have a problem with a situation that happend today in this "beautiful" game.
Can anyone explain to me why the heroin boat has return? and why the prices gone up if its the same boat as in the day 181?
Another thing that its really akward and I can`t explain it..how hamada, stryker start buying heroin after the original boat in 181??

And Memox , please ... next time can you put the message on the front page when the day started? I WAS ONLINE 2,5 hours after the day started and no message was anounced with heroin on the dealer, because of your "mistake" i used my tranzactions on a **** booze event... how stupid you think I am to use my tranzactions to buy booze when the heroin ship come back??

hamada 31kk respect after original heroin boat and he knew by magical feelings to keep on buying heroin???

have a nice and magical day