but stats are money flavio, with the trillions of tolerance, you can buy trillions of buildings, and at the end its still the 1st place.

for me you must eliminate for total the stats system, and for a certain respect you can buy buildings, like 1000 resp means 10 buildings and 1 million resp, means 1000 buildings, something like that, so you avoid the huge stats and tolerance is only for levels and hunters,

and of course your idea in combination is good but i would not let count the stats in the round , 4 stats 1 resp, would be same, the make fast 25million resp anyways and buy buildings, maybe you should even make it 400 stats are 1 resp. or 4000 stats are 1 resp. and in the end it doesnt even count, hunters will have fun and robbers will have fun too, maybe with some other combination its the perfect thing,