1- graphics.. dear the crims i think is the TIME to make the design ALL of the crims new .. all amazing with some gifs IN the game in the right and in the left
we can see the city of the crims something so dead .. we should have hookers appear real houses police cars <appear street appears jail appear hospital appear gansters roobers and guys with guns .. A TRUE CRIMINAL CITY that it not hard to make ****n it..
now for each icons : ( before starting to say that all icons SHOULD BE CHANGED ) now when we click in this icons we will see..
some gifs ideias ? i have example : when you click on assaults he should appear 2 gifs in 1vs1 in the right should appear a gif of (3/4 seconds of teo guys fighting .. AMAZING ! )
AND IN THE gang attack should have a gift with the same time .. and life 5 6 guys fighting BUT OF COURSE amazing videos agressivs with big style ..
the same for when we click in : robbery .. ( in solo robs a guy with a mask of robber and a pisol starting to make a rob and in gang robs very guys robing something )
in bounty hunting a gift with someone with a gun searching someone to kill same time 3/4 seconds
hookers very girls appear in gif
black market gift of someone seling guns
drugs same : a gift with very drugs appear big fast like 3/4 seconds appears like 7/8 drugs
bulidings : the amazing class man with a black bag appear with very cash .. and nice clothes ..
nightlife .. ( in raves a mini gift when we see people dancing and driking ) in hooker room see A BLONDE girl stripping ( miss blonde best hooker of the crims so we make a blonde girl striping )
hospital ahaha hospital i have another ideia.. we should searching on google crhome if we can see a girl that is who,s like " The Head nurse " of the crims and make something very nice and if we see.. and we think fine we can use some ideias FROM POPULARS game .... here we can use ( 1 LEAGUE OF LEGENDS FUCTION .. ) I MEAN think with me guys .. Miss blonde is the best girl of the game and she will apear striping 3/4 seconds.. and when we click in the Principal page of hooker so it should have a mini description in the right of the gift saying some characteristics of the miss blonde like : this is the miss blonde she so amazing she dance for you 5 seconds you feel crazy ahah but little gangsta is not easy to get one you should " a nice bank ACCOUNT " (With a funny text letter to see WELL ) she the best she the one the most famous girl from the crims city you can buy her on " hookers section "
that is GOOD for NEW PLAYERS they will read this .. and will buy one girl ... AMAZING ..
Same on HEAD HURSE guys .. she will apear in hospital ( in the gift that we will create for this section same here we should make a descrption about her
here is head nurse she will will heliping you to get more intelegence .. strong tolerance charisma.. she also will give the correct doctor to change the face BELIVE ME if you have big enemys of problems on the crims city AND YOU WANNA RUN FAST you will need this DOCTOR " so prepare your cash out of the bank "
About the head nurse too ? she know amazing doctors if someday you have a friend in hospital speak with her she will contact a doctor to make him good 100xfaster
you wanna detox your self ? she know guys with nice price too
an amazing girl you can get her on hookers section

prison a long gift .. like 5/6 seconds that we see guys on jail ... on the lunch time outside .. traiing.. playing basketball.. awith the oranges clothes from an american true jail ...... and a police girl that seams like : " seargent sexy " and here we will have THE NORMAL description that we already have AND A NEW DESCRIPTION FROM seargen sexy ... imagine : in jail if you are a nice guy if you respect the rullz seargent sexy will be amazing with you ..
she wil realxing you when you are nervous.. with a simple massage .. she will help you if you have some cash .. and speak with a corrupt police to pay to the police to be realsed more fast... she also can make the same thing if you have special friend that you miss to make robs with him or kill some guys on The Crims city she wil can it too.. ( But here in the jail i have one more ideia a NEW WAY TO GET OUT OF the JAIL not IN THE LIVE TIME i mean to be more fast TO leave ..
example you dont cash in real life to pay some credits or dont like to put .. or dont have or dont want spend the crims cash with a corrupt police he will have another way to leave .. i think that will be amazing if we have a new thing imagine : .. continuing the descrption from seargeant sexy" she also can sell your drugs without no one see yes SEARGENT SEXY is a " corrupt sexy police too with this you will stay high and the life will pass very more faster and we will have alot of drugs and when we are in jail automatcly we will can CLICK on the gift and we will go to special room and we will have alot of drugs heroin speak k bear
... and of course in the jail the drugs coast more cash so heroin will be the best drug from the jail she coast now 212 .. in jail will coast we can say " 5 milions the first time 10 milions the next time .. and this drug will reduce you 90% more fast for leave from jail
if i spend money on 1 dose of bear it will coast 200,000 the first time 400,000 and will always reduce you 7%8 the time from cash understend ? is like in rave when we take drugs .. for the stamina here will be the same .. but the money will icrease always
special k will reduce 70% for example and she will coast you 3 milions first time 6 milions second time ...
that is brlilhant after we make the calculations of all this and for all drugs ..
we use 1 time she coast one price you go jail and you wanna another time the same drug ? you pay more and more and always will be the same time each drug have a % to leave jail and always will be the same just the cash for have it will be diffrent always PAY More

THE BANK a simple gift showing big cash and mabye a nice bank in casino should have an nice gift in principal page from casino and after a special gift in each game.. the description of each game of casino dont need to change ..

the icon help is good . dont need no gift nothing is good like this
the docks should search ro make a complete gift that we can see the docks and some big boats..

the square ... should have a new function too here .. first of all we can have a gift a showing a big table of alot of gangsters .. speaking of course we will not hear what they say just to make the ideia and understend .. what is the square .. AND THE NEWS should have too is that we can put WEBCAM each language room will can have a maximum server of 12 guys opening the web and speak with micrfone and all the people that in each language will see hims and the guys that are in web cam will see the chat to and can write with the boys .. who speak to hims

( ideia and rulls of this new .. hmm it will make the game big orginal .. know virtual criminals more easy.. if someone want gang he speak on web cam.. and mabye somone will write on square JUST AMAZING ! if they just want so show face in be inlive .. it will can speak on micrfone if he want too it will have a maximum of 12 players too that can opening in same time the micrfone and same in web cam in each language of course is like virtual gang .. if someone leave micrfone or webcam someone can enter it will have always a number or 2 buttons saying free or full after we see .. the best solution

we can also use a function from the social networks example : i speaking with someone of you .. in the square ... and i get afk from the square i forget that i was speaking with someone or someone mean your name in the square or wanna say something to you in public se we will can enter example +memox : bla bla bro thanks for this game automaticly you will recive a private message saying that someone write you in square
=) amazing same on guest book .. imagine i am in guestbook of n3nd for example and i wanna joke with him make him get nervous and i say this" stryker is best player on the crims " he will see and we will can reply on her guestbook and stryker will can speak too ( if i make +stryker) ( stryker will recive a special message with this we will see so much historis the game will have very things to see when we are on jail or in hospital or training

fight club .. is the LESS THING clicked on my opinion this sould be all residgned first of all
the gift will be a real ring 2 guys fighting .. dont forget should be a diffrent gift that in assault in assault is street fight .. in fight club in a real ring with people saying so we can make a gift saying very people wacthing two boys fighting

but now about the fight club .... should be all deleted what is in fight club

( and make anonymous fight clubs
(rulls in fight club you just can fight with someone that have the same level as you and guns are no allowed
so you enter and will be a room for each level ... when you enter is like that you are in rave all people will saying you like you see who accpet the rob in gangs ..
it will be same all people will see that you are in IF YOU LEAVE fight club no one will see you again NOW READ THIS magic ideia : if the player see you is cuz is waiting for a fight THE ANONYMOUS appears noow all people cann see each other but is just the respect a special link that you can see THE STATS of each day of him and also a check to see who he win and who lost mabye a direct link to spy on user but of course just can see the fights and of course we will can see just the nick from the guy that he fighting the nick of the guy that you will fight will not appear it when you spy him in the nick og win fight or lost fight you will see XXX always and it will have a special AVATAR SAME AS all the players will enter in fight club ...
each player just fight each other i mean same id vs same id 1x real day the crims JUST AMAZING ! another big ideia

about message can be the same .. friend ship mabye can work a little in i mean if i have 50 friends to delet 50 is to much time and not should be like this .. should can select and delet all or i want want like 20x 1 click 20 deleted see if you change it
the gang section are good but mabye a gift should be good too

about the rest some new grafics in gang stats stats and top killers..

new players should have help .. i mean imagine is the most important ot the game to grow up ..
if you all what i say to make will help amazing
should be good if we can introduce " a special world the crims notificion a little world icon if you enter .. you will have very features
like : " I need gang for pass level "
" i wanna rob in gang for pass level someone need it too ? "
" someone can realase me hospital " someone can realase me jail ? "
" someone wanna speak or create a gang " ?
" someone wanna hunt " ?
" someone wanna fk , oil tycon casyno royal al capone illumatini "
" i need OIL fk .. ect ect "

( when we click in the icon world we will have all this option we click and we send and whats appening ? all players will get a notification or a mini number in right of the world icon ... is like facebook if we want we can click and see if we dont want we dont click of course each notification is a number .. so if we dont click in icon the number will grow up andf grow up you will have a desactivate notification if you dont want to get this on your game (: ! another amazing ideia ..)

( now i wanna speak with you about the game.. mans what is going on .. you dont see that the game need all of this..
you dont see that the crims day per day have less players ?..
is 2016 is time to make something and is not saying that we will make it .. CUZ NEVER IS Made it.. IF YOU NEED MENS FOR Working on the crims say to make it in 1 mouth READY .. ****n it lets make this ..

RAVES SHOULD CHANGE TOO guys .. ANOMYNOUS RAVES .. should back but diffrent too .. i mean each player will can just have one rave .. and 1 drug ! JUST
and we can make just max respect not minimum or put just minimum and not maximum we can chose one just for make the transfer stats more harder
and now you will say that we already make annymous raves bla bla ..
when we had the votes .... we always have 50%50 people who want raves like now and people that they want anomymous raves
so is easy .. this round is normal raves
next anonymous raves you make a sepcial layout for begining of round saying to all people knows what round will be
example : hello all are you ready for a new round ? this round you will have anonymous raves if you are a guy who prefere raves with names with for next round or try to show us your skills in a round that you prefere less same as when is a guy who like anonymous raves and is a round with names raves ..
show us your skill too :d you seee ?
( in the round of anonymous raves will have a limit in gang attack too : i mean each id player can smack one gang id 2 days for the crims day but of course each attack will give 5/6% of all gang and the second if win .. win just 4 5 % *
in round of name raves no limits all be like is now )

i think when we get gang attack and we died we should lost less -2% that now i think is to much stats that we lost when we killed ..
of course no bugs no lag nothing all good !

Hello all say what you think will be so important !