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  1. #1

    Default Contest -game suggestion

    hi. i been playing few rounds couple years ago and few now. its been a big update since. i would like to sugest making those changes:

    1. Make weapons and armors not that powerfull (seriuosly the ones we got now spoils the game)

    2. Since there is no way getting into seriuos gang (only if you know people for long time) its almost impossible to end up high rep if you dont have real friends, and if you want to make a gang its most likely you end up killed by someone. or there is another way - using rabits, but controling 15 accounts at a time gets borring. so what i sugest is make the solo play, where you can play whole round alone and make alot rep (be possible to win round). you can either solo all time or go to gangs, that would be a great chance for those people who always end up dying.

    3. remove the random picture questions, or make them up to 500 respect. for example up to 500 rep people get them often. and over 500 rep people never get them.

    4. add more robberies for gangs and solo

    thats what i suggest. thx

    user: beating
    id: 10676969

  2. #2


    [ 3. remove the random picture questions, or make them up to 500 respect. for example up to 500 rep people get them often. and over 500 rep people never get them.

    lol, this quest is somethink like antibot. Not anti noob



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