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  1. #1

    Default A little helping Hand

    An up to date Tutorial

    This is a small guide to playing. You do not need to reply with how you play or how wrong my guide is.
    Firstly it is easier and more beneficial to play with more than one account.
    I suggest anywhere between five and twelve accounts.
    You have the choice of five characters. This can be changed at anytime during the game but it will cost you. The different characters give you different benefits with your stats when robbing or fighting. Choose according to how you want to play the game. I personally have eighty-five percent Hitman ten percent Pimp and five percent Businessman with my accounts.

    Starting to Rob.
    There are a few rob calculators on the web for The Crims. Many other players will assist you in finding where they are, The Crims do not own one itself and will confirm that none are 100% correct nor guaranteed.
    1. Start to play with three accounts at a time Rob single robs until you can start robbing Forex. Rob Forex until you can buy Deagle and Shinny Body Armour. At this point you should purchase a nightclub and fill with the drug of your choice (as a standard I have ever only purchased booze. Now you will need to rob a few singles to get your stats up. Once you can rob Value Transport it is relatively easy to rob enough to get a machine gun and if you are dedicated enough you can rob until you can buy Nomex Plated Armour (this can be achieved in one Crims day if you are fast enough. When you have Nomex and machine gun you will have enough power to rob at least Steven Seagull if not able to rob Manipulate Stock Market. But you will not have enough accounts to rob. So unfortunately you must start at the beginning with three other accounts.
    2. Once you have built nine accounts up to the standard above you can comfortably rob MSM until you can purchase Mean Machine. Or even find another player to rob with. Be careful if you chose to do this though not everyone on The Crims is Nice.
    At this stage it may be worth choosing a ‘Main Account’ and using this to attack your other accounts (always use your stronger account to attack a weaker one as there are NO stats ‘lost’ this way) Attack your accounts as far as they can still rob efficiently.

    All this Money
    1. Dependant on what character you have chosen, spend your money or bank it.
    2. Banking your money will ensure your respect stays high. Roughly for every million you have your respect increases by 100. You gain interest each Crims day as long as your money is in the bank.
    3. Hookers and drugs do not add anything to you respect. All buildings add to your respect. I personally buy hookers and buildings for all accounts as they can become a steady income.
    4. Why not buy some stats? The stronger you are the better robs you can fulfil. Buying Strength reduces your Intelligence by 2:1 (you buy 10 strength your intelligence reduces by 5).

    1. 1v1 and Gang attacks are a way to increase your stats without having to rob, this is also a way to lose stats if you are not careful.
    2. Fight success if based mainly on your Fight Power (strength, tolerance and weapon power) versus your opponents (in gang robs it also depends on how many accounts you have fighting).
    3. To kill an opponent (or opponents) you must be over twice their Fight Power.
    4. There are three ways to fight an opponent.
    a) Getting a ‘red friends relation’ can be obtained by visiting a club or hooker mansion (a gang attack can be created through this).
    b) Getting a ‘solid friends relation’ by adding them to your friends list through their profile or the Homies tab (a gang attack can be created through this).
    c) By clicking on the yellow triangle next to their name in the fight club (a gang attack cannot be created through this).

    Milking your accounts can become somewhat of an art. For a starting position try this one.
    First remove weapons from both account but make sure they both have the same armour, calculate your fight power by adding strength + tolerance + weapon on both accounts add them together then divide by three this will give you the minimum your lowest account can be before it is at risk of dying. Then milk until it is that low. Always try to attack with your stronger account as this way you will gain all of the stats the weaker one loses.

    This is the end of my Tutorial, but here are a few pointers to remember.
    1. The lower your charisma and Intelligence the lower your respect.
    2. The stats you gain from fighting/milking your opponent/account loses.
    3. Buildings add to your respect where as drugs and hookers don’t until you sell or collect them.
    4. I am always lurking about to take the stats I help you gain through this tutorial.
    This not everything I know about the game but I will not divulge all my secrets to everyone, that is for a select few people of my choice.


  2. #2


    You can of course say thanks ffs

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    nice 1 tnx



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