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  1. #31

    Default Countrys list

    In program of tc are a lot or too much countryes that doesnt even exist , a lot are before many years ago like East Germany and much any others that I dont want to disscus and a new country that is independent alredy is not in list of countryes ,pfff what can I say about that , check in other sites in most of sites that are 200.000 and more ppl online every day like miniclip , gamezer etc. is included Kosovo flag too but in TC is not , what can say devs about that ? that program that are using is old program and I dont know why you countinue still to use it !!

  2. #32


    Racism ! .

  3. #33


    OMG whats the problem Devs?!?!?! Can u create da **** flag?? Thats just a flag, whats the problem dude, I betcha u wont die cuz putting a flag.

    Tryna be a lil bit more flexible, they are yer client, they are the one who pay ur beer, so just think abt them, its a simple thing who worth for it all if u right think abt it.

    No more comments, its much fight u devs are doing for realy nothing, tryna throw in the towel one lil time, I betcha it wont hurt a lot.


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Dublin, Ireland


    The flags and countries we currently have in game are imported using a pre-defined pack of countries and flags. We actually don't implement anything related to flags or countries. Whats in that package (which isn't made by us) is what you get.

    It's not about racism, I would suggest you google it and read the definition of that carefully before making hazardous assumptions. The package could also include the following:

    The Republic of Molossiais a micronation founded by Kevin Baugh and headquartered near Dayton, Nevada.
    It consists of Baugh’s house (known as Government House), backyard and front garden, as well as two other properties in Southern California and Pennsylvania. According to author John Ryan, Molossia is “a hobby… that has been pushed… to the nth degree.”
    Originally established as a childhood project in 1977, Molossia subsequently evolved into a territorial entity in the late 1990s.
    The name Molossia is derived from the Spanish word morro which means “small rocky hill.” Baugh notes that the ancient Greek tribe of Molossians is unrelated
    Molossia has a space program, and by that we mean they have a store-bought telescope and some toy rockets with a camera attached to them to get an aerial photograph of the property.

    It's a new country in the world, it should be in TheCrims also?
    "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - The Lord Acton

  5. #35


    First of all Kirk, im not doing "hazardous assumptions". It wasnt what I meant.

    Im sure that u didnt got the point.

    It's not abt "governamental reasons", It's not abt what should be right 'n what shouldnt.

    Try to get my point. What I said is that whats the problem to put this flag in thecrims if this guy gonna play this game more happy and probably to this why not to buy some credits as well???

    Developers must understand that it's a game only for who plays, but for them, it's an enterprise, 'n as a good inteligent enterprise u should make happy ur client, cuz as u know, a happy client is always a better buyer, what means that more happy clients means more buyer, what consequently means more 'n more money.

    Thats the way the thing must works on a enterprise, obviously if u dont rip money.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Dublin, Ireland


    You're not getting the point either. We couldn't implement that flag even if we wanted to, because of the reasons I posted above. There are pre-defined flag packages that developers implement, if they don't include Kosovo, then there's nothing we can do.

    And I believe there are more pressing matters to attend and much more important concepts to implement than this one. About enterprize business, you are wrong in a couple of ways, and I will explain why.
    Firstly we are not an enterprize, because if we were, then only the players paying big money for credits would get attention and support from us. It's all about $ in the end isn't it? But this obviously isnt the case. I cant remember a case when a player was treated preferentially just because he had plenty of credits on his account.

    Secondly, "the customer is always right" is only a simple line that pleases the one it's addressed to. For example, if you are my client, and I tell you, then you'll be happy to hear it. This isn't 100% true either.
    "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - The Lord Acton

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk
    Firstly we are not an enterprize, because if we were, then only the players paying big money for credits would get attention and support from us. It's all about $ in the end isn't it? But this obviously isnt the case. I cant remember a case when a player was treated preferentially just because he had plenty of credits on his account.

    How so u says that thecrims "is not an enterprise"?? Im realy sure that thecrims is not an NGO which doesnt involve money. It means that developers dont win money with this game 'n they just created the game to make people happy?? Obviously no, 'n im not being sarcastic but this is the interpretation we can go on yer words.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk
    ...then only the players paying big money for credits would get attention and support from us.

    Sorry to say this, but you're twisting my words there. I didnt said it.

    In fact none in this game must be treated diferent of others cuz he have credits or not, but u need to understand why they are not treated diferent, 'n u know why??

    Let me explain it so, the reason of developers says to u to treat players equal even if they have credits or not is not cuz they are nice people, or they want the good of all, sorry but dont tell me that u believe in it.

    The reason to treat players well is realy simple 'n effective. When u treat players well it make them feel good, feeling good they want to play more this game, playing more this game and always feeling that they are treated like everyone(who have credits or not) shows them that thecrims is a good game and if it's a good, clear 'n trusted game why not tu buy some credits???

    This is one lil example but I can stay all the day here explain reasons to treat players well, but thats not the case. The case is to make clear that everything made in the game(or in any enterpise anyway) always involve a way to get more money, cuz if its not the reason thecrims woudnt sell credits. So thats why I keep up my point of view, thecrims is an enterprise 'n ive no doubt around it.

    Kirk I just can say that we cant turn a blind eye to how it works. Im not judging abt they make ways to win money(as the one to treat everyone equal that Ive explained right here), cuz they are realy right, this is an enterprise, 'n if they dont get ways to win money, thecrims cant maintain by itself 'n will make the game close the door and end of fun from the guys who play this game.

    Let me come back over here to the subject, the flags one.
    So with everything I was saying, do u still keep up ur reasons?? Put this flag follow the same rule to treat players well, if they are happy they will keep playing this game 'n they will bet in this game, it says, they will support this game n' this the principal reason to this game keep living till today, cuz players support it, if they dont, if u dont make what is good to them, they stop to support this game and when it happens, thecrims will die for ever.

    Thats it.
    Last edited by TheUnd3ad; 04-01-2010 at 07:24 PM.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Kosovo country is on their way towards independency and souvereignity to become one state.
    As far as I know this process is not finished, yet.

    Here we will not solve and finish the worldwide procedure of souvereignity of the Kosovo.
    If someone wants to support this Albanian procces towards independent Kosovo, please turn your efforts in to proper institutions as for example on United Nation organization.

    Here is the worst place to solve such things, to fight or argue for something like Kosovo flag is.

    Thanks for understanding, I hope, that it is clear.


  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Saudi Arabia


    Quote Originally Posted by Mororus View Post
    Kosovo country is on their way towards independency and souvereignity to become one state.
    As far as I know this process is not finished, yet.

    I hope, that it is clear.

    Right .. i hope so

    we have to end this discussion .

    i will let this thread opened for a couple of days.. may some one still have something in mind !

    Good luck
    Support & Abuse Member
    TheCrims.Com Crew

  10. #40

    Default |||||||||||||||||||||||||

    Quote Originally Posted by Mororus View Post
    Kosovo country is on their way towards independency and souvereignity to become one state.
    As far as I know this process is not finished, yet.

    Here we will not solve and finish the worldwide procedure of souvereignity of the Kosovo.
    If someone wants to support this Albanian procces towards independent Kosovo, please turn your efforts in to proper institutions as for example on United Nation organization.

    Here is the worst place to solve such things, to fight or argue for something like Kosovo flag is.

    Thanks for understanding, I hope, that it is clear.


    I dont know how much information you have about countryes on the world but you dont need to talk for something that you dont even interest , first check the list of countryes that are independent , second I m not here to talk about any process or to fight or argue , Kosovo is independent alredy all rest of world know that , before you had other answers you sad that you have a program that put flag of countryes and now you are saying that Kosovo is not independent , so why other bigger sites 100000 x more popular and that are more visited than TC is alredy Kosovo flag but in TC still not ? are they fools that they include that flag or what is the deal ? there is not just problem about Kosovo there in list of countryes on your program are more countryes that does not even exsist like East Geramny , and much more countryes and islands that no one even play from there and in other countryes that have many players flag dont exsist . I just want to say to you M. that you are wrong and maybe you can do something about it . SH.



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