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  1. #1

    Default for Memox,admis...

    Hy guys

    I have a problem with a situation that happend today in this "beautiful" game.
    Can anyone explain to me why the heroin boat has return? and why the prices gone up if its the same boat as in the day 181?
    Another thing that its really akward and I can`t explain hamada, stryker start buying heroin after the original boat in 181??

    And Memox , please ... next time can you put the message on the front page when the day started? I WAS ONLINE 2,5 hours after the day started and no message was anounced with heroin on the dealer, because of your "mistake" i used my tranzactions on a **** booze event... how stupid you think I am to use my tranzactions to buy booze when the heroin ship come back??

    hamada 31kk respect after original heroin boat and he knew by magical feelings to keep on buying heroin???

    have a nice and magical day

  2. #2


    Well, 200% agreed, people were harmed and suffered a great damage with this act, many people lost really good positions
    due, not being online in the time, that this new on the paper arrived, cuz, when the boat of heroin was gone yesterday
    the dealer had a great amount of this drug, to sell, and nobody bough, so it gave a great advantage to who was online
    when the day changed, it was a very bad new, to the players that are playing to win something, like national rankings or even , international ranking
    i hope you understand my opinion


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005



    Just before midnight there was a downtime which made it impossible for several of you to sell drugs to the heroin boat. I wasn't available at that time and didn't see the alarms until I woke up. At that time several players had sent me emails being upset for the downtime and the effects of it. Looking at the coming events I realised that there were no boats planned for day 184 and therefore I decided to rerun the boat from day 181 in day 184. This also meant that anyone who had bought information from the captain wouldn't have to buy it again. I announced this in the newspaper at 08:17 so everyone would have the same time to prepare for the coming event. After making the announcement I answered the emails that had come in during the night so everyone received the information about the coming boat at the same time.

    There seems to be misconceptions that I did this to benefit or save some players which is simply not true. If I had not been able to verify the actual downtime I wouldn't have acted at all.

    I hope this clarifies things. Crew
    Support Center

  4. #4


    why the price is not the same if the boat is the same?

  5. #5


    Hi Memox, it doesnt really, you dodge the answers but its ok, i learn during the years not to get in discussion with head admins because I won`t receive any justice!!
    And btw, ID 6822549 this account had 31kk on the first original boat in day 181.. when i woke up this morning to see whats next i was online 2,5hours before the day passed nothing announced !! and that account allready bought heroin 12kk respect (more or less), that was a magical feeling right? when the dealer said that no more boats will come!!

    thanks for the reply!!
    Last edited by CapaT; 05-18-2014 at 01:42 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    i call bullshit

  7. #7


    This game ain`t fair and it will allways be!! Its made for certain groups of people to win!! Why don`t you offer the same opportunity to all players who maybe spend money like other? We will stop play this game FOR EVER !!!!!! Enough !

  8. #8


    Same thing with lilen bamse unbanned

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowsPT View Post
    why the price is not the same if the boat is the same?
    That was an unfortunate mistake by me. We are going to clean up this mess and we are forming a strategy on how to do this right now. That boat shouldnt have increased the price by 28% again, the drug price should have been the same ofc and that is my mistake.

    Quote Originally Posted by CapaT View Post
    Hi Memox, it doesnt really, you dodge the answers but its ok, i learn during the years not to get in discussion with head admins because I won`t receive any justice!!
    And btw, ID 6822549 this account had 31kk on the first original boat in day 181.. when i woke up this morning to see whats next i was online 2,5hours before the day passed nothing announced !! and that account allready bought heroin 12kk respect (more or less), that was a magical feeling right? when the dealer said that no more boats will come!!

    thanks for the reply!!
    What answers am I dodging? I have nothing to hide here so I will gladly answer your questions. I see you logged in at 2014-05-18 08:04:28 and I made the announcement about this at 08:17:15. When you then logged in at 10:26:15 you must have seen it in the newspaper.

    The whole reason for this problem is that I didn't adjust the price increase. I had no intention to let some players earn much more, that would have been clearly wrong.

    Regarding accusations that I only care about those players who spend a lot of credits I can gladly tell you that you are wrong. I am trying to run this game with justice even if some of you do not perceive it like that and that is ofc my failure. Crew
    Support Center

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    England, London


    Nobody's perfect we all doing mistakes and learning from it.
    Life is about evolving & I try to make changes everyday to become a better person.



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