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  1. #141


    Quote Originally Posted by Forever View Post
    Kowcyk u r a good boy the only problem that I see in you is.

    1st you dont have original ideas, you just copy paste ideas from other mafia games asslicker

    for sure he copy me but no problem cuz thats is what we want ;D !

    memox you know you must do we are waiting you and see what edas show to you you must fix all the problems all things no one problems !
    you must put the id from attacks good for 6 hours good ! all good !
    search people still dont work too !
    and about appear only raves from the people online should be done too cuz is good and more fun !
    dont forget to put no limits in raves = all players will can edit her respect for enter in her raves !
    dont forget to put bounty !
    regards :3

  2. #142


    Second thing, Benito gave very nice idea about putting in game variety of drugs price, we all know that in real life it is "market equilibrium" , so when we have big demand on some items, their price is increasing, and while there is big supply of them, their price is decreasing to this state of "market equlibrium", why shouldn't we put it into TheCrims? While much players buy heroin, price of it should increase , same when few players will buy GHB, price should decrease each day, this could be fantastic thing for making buisnesses and big money for Buisnessmans. Then it finally won't be only "rob and hunt" game.

    Third thing, i really want to see a little bit more Items into game, for example as prizes from The Alley Quests. And about "stats from GA" , I think that it isn't nescessary, we shouldn't get stats from them, gang points would be enough. These change with second change about only 1 attack at same player each TC day could finally stop transferring stats between accounts.
    Regards, Kowcyk.[/QUOTE]

    AND Buisnessmans
    IS IN YOUR HANDS TO MAKE A ****ING NICE game to all people Marcus (: !

  3. #143


    not only to increase the price if a lot buy heroin and hide it, also must be combined with using the drugs at raves, if to much people take this drugs at nightclubs or its overproduced by buildings and sold to much to dealer price should fall as well, and not only increase if dealer is empty, maybe you combine this effect with the boats, like boat is coming and all sell, next day price must fall down, and not only fall little, fall down like black monday or black friday or whateva black, it would be to simple to hide the drug and wait for high price, and sell for 10000%

    got to think about a good formula and that not to much people cry if the buy 1000 heroin buildings and 1 day later they sell all buildings and lose to much to rebuy 1000 special k factories,

    i mean for me this would be the fun, to win or to lose, like a hunter, his/her smack button, mine is the new day to check the new prices

  4. #144


    Quote Originally Posted by PadreEstripador View Post
    Change of profession , could increase to three.
    i totally agree with changing the profession more then 2 times , making it 3 times per round would be perfect as i said before , 1st change is how ever much $$ or 20 creds , 2nd change could be double the cash and 40 credits , and the 3rd tripple the cash and 60 credits... then thats the maximum number of profession changes each round ..

  5. #145


    +1 on changing proffesion! Another smal thing on beta , when u enter chatpcha correctly u should be directly redirected to page u war before.Edit text at the buildings .... I also like the drug trading system that players was disscusting above. Its logic if 60% of players produce for exsample amfetamine cuz its most profitble drug at the time it cant stay high price for too long- it muss fall like black monday(still laughing ) cuz there will be too much of amfe in the crims and no demand for it. Its also lame tha exiz button in raves... This gang updates stystem ... U rob and invest, makes boats all the time in game and the end u make 10000x all updates in gang centre and u gain alot of rsp at the end... We'll see who will like this type of game at the end ... When u want to start next round ? Friday, monday ? :P

  6. #146
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by NoS View Post
    why you don`t ask players what want and do what you want ? i understand it`s your game but ME play not need to back to old system i know some people use bots but you ban all time cheaters.back to old system or destroy hunt and your whatever you want if you continue with this beta version i will not play anymore.make best decision because this depend if game die or not
    What do you call this then? Crew
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  7. #147
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Forever View Post
    Ah Im sorry this is a feedback section... Ok Heres my feedback all changelog its a mistake game will be 294823978x yawn then what is now!
    You are only looking to your own desires of how the game should be, you have to realise that there are more voices than your own. What you are proposing is more inline with the "classic" TC version. Crew
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  8. #148
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by BenitoElCabron View Post
    i asked trillrion of times to redesign the entire drugsystem,

    stock exchange for drugs , just that simple ,

    if everybody produce heroin and all sell heroin the price must go down, because most of them use opium in pubs and then price should go up because nobody produce, if i buy all pains in market, lets say i have 100 billions and nobody produce price must go up because there is no pains, got what i mean

    you only listen to hunters, not to money players, money players or noobs in some players eyes are minimum 50% , we also spend a lot of creds, because we frecuently die and we need productions and ships and vips

    at leats try it at beta memox, wanna see the results if its playable,

    if it works everyone can win this game and we are not only a hunting game also a trading game, if someone ´s getting to rich make sabotage back and let them steal the money , put new money system in please
    There is something you have to understand when it comes to stocks, they are not priced based on supply and demand, they are priced based on projected future dividends. But, I get what you mean. Many rounds ago we did test such a system but I am willing to give it another try. The most important thing is that it shouldn't be easy to manipulate the prices by buying a lot of drugs etc. Crew
    Support Center

  9. #149
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Edas134 View Post
    actually as admins have made it so we dont start at lvl 1 after changing profession, theres no actual profit from doing that. so i dont see a reason for it to stay as 1.
    to add a little difficult make it only credits for 2nd and more changes
    I like that idea! Crew
    Support Center

  10. #150


    good job what you do on beta memox ! but you miss somethink with hunt miss the bug that i say...but why you insist with this ideea to remove surgery from hospital ? this is the oldest thing in thecrims and in hunt can`t remove it because this is funniest thing on this game . why you let cheaters to destroy your game? cheaters will be all time you need to upgrade your bot protection not remove surgery from made a very funny game with this new changes but AGAIN YOU MISS SOMETHINK ! put surgery where it was good years ago !



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