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View Poll Results: How do you think Round 79 should be?

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  • Limited single assaults (one per 6 hours) + stats from gang assaults (as in round 78 )

    8 3.45%
  • Unlimited single assaults + stats from gang assaults

    81 34.91%
  • Limited single assaults (one per 6 hours) + gang points from gang assaults (no stats)

    36 15.52%
  • Unlimited single assaults + gang points from gang assaults (no stats)

    107 46.12%
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Results 41 to 50 of 77
  1. #41


    If will put inlimit single assaults, u have make raves with ''NO LIMITES'' because the players with high respect enter only in adm raves, this round i stay with high respect all time, them i always enter only in adm raves :s it's boring, if put ''raves anonimous'' put with no limites :s

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by jlz View Post
    If will put inlimit single assaults, u have make raves with ''NO LIMITES'' because the players with high respect enter only in adm raves, this round i stay with high respect all time, them i always enter only in adm raves :s it's boring, if put ''raves anonimous'' put with no limites :s
    Hey ma I understand your point but with unlimited single assaults, You can find lots of target/wictim LOL. If limited one wins, yeah I agree with you, but with unlimited it may be really hard for others I want to consider all people not only some players. But again you are right on your point. Everyone should have fun with the game not only some special players. With ga, only ga players have fun, with unlimited single assaults only hunters have fun,
    As I said, my point depends on the result. If it is unlimited SA, I donot want raves without limit. If limited SA then they can make raves with "NO LIMITS"

  3. #43


    if option 2 or 4 win, take rave wich max respect memox

  4. #44


    I am concerned about the raves system in BETA (hopefully it wont be launched like it is right now in the upcoming round)...

    If i'm not mistaken, in round 73 we had familiar raves system "0-5k,0-50k,0-100k ...), also known as "Stages", some people (not a few, including myself) made hunting account to be best in for example "0-50k resp" raves. Later, people start to complain about being hunted and killed, impossible to rob etc. etc. The raves system was changed (to be able to set the limit of your rave yourself) IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROUND... Those changes did affect "hunters accounts" by ruining hard work since there was no use to be a "50k hunter" or "100k hunter" when you start meeting people with 1mil+ resp & stats.

    So the rave limits system does concern me, why you think this won't happen again and if it does, are you gonna change the raves limit system once again IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROUND?

    As I have said, I noticed this system in the BETA version and since in BETA anything can happen, I hope this particular rave limits system won't be launched in the Round 79 and if it will, I hope it ain't gonna be changed once again IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROUND.


  5. #45


    It's easy. Leave raves normal, without any min/max respect. WE DONT WANT ROBBER CRIMS.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    if you really want balance do this: anonimous raves so it is hard for them to move skill, 6 hours limit the same players hitting each other. In order not to kill the hunt and the game to be only robs, put at each player a maximum of 5 ga participation every crims day starting with day 20 - until day 20 no ga skill gain for anyone (like it is now in drug dealer, you can do only a certain amount of transactions each day). Whitout this limit, the stupid players like stryker-caca-pinho feel like kings ... he dares to scream and swear (by the way why is he not banned for bad language) at the small players in the gg to donate but he has zero, nada, niet, nika, canci, miden, 0, donations byhimself. (alone can do shit but he feels great just because there are some small players who shit their pants if stryker ask them to do something and they think that if they'll do as asked stryker will help them but he wont give a sh***$$*%*%t about anyone. lick it stryker.
    Last edited by razvan7; 06-10-2015 at 09:30 PM.

  7. #47


    syclian no is not simple cuz it will not be normal raves first of all !

    razvan i liked YOUR IDEIA .. gang attack with limits till day 20 after day 20 no more Gang attacks thats amazing that is the solution for real
    Anonymous raves and limits 1vs1 till day 20 after that no more limits in 1vs1 fights and gang attacks with points !

    raves : limits 0-100k 101k- no limits
    thats is a EPIC AND FAIR ROUND for all people and you will see again +1000 online .

  8. #48


    We all know that with all this changes (which one you want) you will still be 0, see? = = = = = > 0.

    Oke. Let's make raves limits (min/max) Single Assault without stats (just win 1 stat) + Gang Assault with point's and ofc without stats. Or no...remove Assault page from Crims. We want just robb and take TOP 5! Nice idea.

    Like Flavio said - Memox made for you even medals for TOP2/3 country and you still not happy. ****!

  9. #49


    i dont care about me my friend i care about all the players i am not like you .. who just think about your camels and your ****ing self xD
    i am living the life here in portugal is summer

    i am 0 my friend ? i **** everbody in 1vs1 in beginin of round Easy hunt ..... and you said i am 0 i am not happy about medals Top 2 and top 3 of course i am man i dont need to play a complete round to show i am one of the best ;D ! i understend alot of the game and for me a real player is a player who make her stats ( alone ) our strategy alone and after make top5+
    understend =?

    why you listen to flavio ? did you see me reply flavio ? you know what flavio is ? xD a fat boy who dont do nothing of life you think i am care about him ?
    man i am living the life i dont log the crims i just see the news for next round to make a game fair for all people robbers CAN WIN the game without stats LIKE HUNTERS can win the game without need to roobthat is the game that should be like this =) **** camels go hunt if you want pass stats loog multi you have classic understend it
    i dont know why yous peak to much about sycylian is the best bla bla bla man with very camels all is the best . open eyes this round was anonymous raves you can pass stats also ....
    and i dont ****ing see your team why ? cuz you want the game easy put your camels in the rave and boom boom smack thems very fast put 50k stats and beat all people is that the best team ? the best players man ? man open eyes i dont even know why i lost so many time write this to you xD LIVE life poor kid next round is anonymous raves ! so stop cry and go play !

  10. #50


    O sh** i don't wanna stats for GA is too much not idea of game make only GA..
    This is very bad for a new players and players without many friend and low skill to make assault..
    Game mast make something to new players..Ho wont play if don't have any pleasure of game and you don't have change to win or be in good please..
    Please remove GA stats or more players stop playing TC.



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