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  1. #1

    Default Perma Ban for Botters

    Okay, first of all I want a mature answer and not the "for suggestions go to blablabla" answers.
    I have been killed countless times by botters, some of them have been banned, some have not. Those who have been banned however are banned for what, one week? I got the message saying that someone that killed me was banned and my death times was recalculated and etc, and maybe one-two weeks later the player is back to using bots. Why don't you perma ban those fu**ers? Seriously, you guys should stop thinking about credits, I assume they get back to the game because they pay maybe? Just start thinking about the fun of the honest players like myself. The round started a couple days ago, and I am killed (not shitting you) maybe 3 times each 2 hours, I can't enter a club without shitting my pants wondering whether I'll get killed or not. Bear in mind that it takes no sherlock holmes to know who's botting and who's not, just look at their profile, there are players with rouhgly 200 kills already and the round has just started!
    Ban those fu**ers for life!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    Hello.I know it's very frustrating,I was like you one or two months ago,when I was just trying to robb and some players enetered in my club and killed me.
    I have a solution for you.
    When you try to robb use this method ->
    After you open 2 tabs like me,you can see up the button ,,profile'' click on it and go to ,,Edit Profile''.After that you can see there an option named ,,Play sound on new red relation''
    Activate it,cause everytime when someone enter your rave and you dont see them,or they are too fast a sound will alert you that you need to make surgery.
    If you dont know how to hunt,you have Stryker video tutorial on Game Guide.
    Good luck,and I hope I could help you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Ok first of all make sure you understand what you are talking about . The bans for bot for the entire round or 1 year or permanent depends. Now the ban for 1 week can be for other reasons.
    Now the fact that you get killed , well ..... WE all get killed, as Becks said there are videos made to make your game easier but ofc you need to actually read the Game Guide or ask a MOD or someone from support.
    I hope this was a mature enough answer for you.

    Ps: " Bear in mind that it takes no sherlock holmes to know who's botting and who's not" - 95% of crims players are ABUSE MEMBERS ; 1% actually give a report that leads us to a ban



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