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  1. #1

    Lightbulb TC Page for Banned users

    Pretty straight forward, since they don't appear on the ranks anymore, just let us search on a list.
    Just like past events, by day-time ?

    This should help the game become more clear and people ACTUALLY follow the rules.
    It's very simples to implement and host on the website.

    I can't see why we don't have that YET.
    Please understand the hidden message this would give to the remain players.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    How will a page where you can see banned people help or make people understand the rules?!

    80% of people that Abuse bans, is because they knowingly break the rules not because they do not know them. In any case I will ask Memox if this can be done for next round .

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    How will a page where you can see banned people help or make people understand the rules?!

    80% of people that Abuse bans, is because they knowingly break the rules not because they do not know them. In any case I will ask Memox if this can be done for next round .
    Not to actually understand, but most of them say they won't ever get ban from it and some do not get ban at all, maybe they are mocking really, and not breaking rules, but I'm sure some are just super secured ...

    Also this page should help players follow the banned users, since it's hard to follow the ban hammer once and while.

    Thefore, thanks baby for trying to implement new stuff in the game, that helps new players get along.



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