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  1. #1

    Lightbulb Idea for new item


    I have idea for new item call "Private Room". When U use this item your club will be invisible to other players so U can do single robbery or gang robbery safe without geting killed.

    Let's say You'll could purchase this item on black market/special items or get them when U level up, or in Casino (dice game as random item).

    Here it's idea how it could look like:

    BLACK MARKET - buy for x credits and U can use for 6h (1 TC day)

    SPECIAL ITEMS - buy as other special items 6-12h (1-2 TC days)

    LEVEL UP/CASINO - get them as random items in Casino or when U level up. 10-20min use when it's active.

    I understand we can buy off from hospital using credits or use the private care item, but not every player can afford buying credits all the time .

    Thank you 0bit0

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    great idea.

    Only chance to not be attaked in your club so often is to change your maximum respect at the entrace in club.

    i buy all 8 special items with 1200 tikets but i use only 50% from tikets because ..... with so many killers online... IDK )

    will be nice to have 1 chance to be protected ... even is 10 min or cost credit's .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Hey boys ...

    This is not new and I have to say we cant discard it but very soon we will be changing the way assault works.
    We will think about this after we implement the new assault.

    NOTE: changing the assault will bring with it many changes but the most important it will remove macros and bots from the hunting system. We are already moving towards it and we hope that next round we can have it on beta if not on LIVE



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