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    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Exclamation Gang Wars and Hire Robbers Features

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    Here are 2 new features that we are bringing out for you guys.
    Like always we hope you can help us improve them substantially after a round or 2

    1. The Hire Robbers/ Crew Feature

    These boys are here to do the dirty jobs for you … they can hit cars, houses, banks basically everything that they can make money out of it. Will rob 50% of your tickets but you will have to give them a part ( % ) of the loot (components included; not 5 % of each component but 5% total )

    Tickets - how does it work

    If you have 1000 tickets they should only be able to rob 500 .. and not 1000.If you have 100 tickets they should be able to rob 50.
    Players should never be able to rob the max amount of tickets that they have on their account.
    Max tickets that they can rob for you is 1000 but in order for them to do so you must have 2000 tickets.

    Loot penalties

    How would this influence VIP users and non VIP users

    • NON VIp users will have to give the crew 25% of the loot
    • Vip pack 1 users will have to give 15 % of their loot
    • Vip pack 2 users will have to give 10 % of their loot
    • Vip pack 3 users will have to give 3 % of their loot

    It should apply for all robs and should include goggles and cookie items
    You can hire them every 4 days TC

    2.Gang wars

    How will it work

    Every 4 tc days we will have an event called GANG WARS
    This will allow gang leaders to challenge other gang leaders
    For each event day a gang can send 4 challenges … but every time they reject a fight / challenge they will lose one of the 4 challenges available to them .

    • In order to take part in Gang wars your gang must have 6 trusted members,HQ and Assault strategy at lvl 6
    • A gang can only challenge another gang once per TC day

    So If X( gang leader of NWO), sends a challenge to Y( gang leader of OAR) and Y rejects it he will only have 3 challenges to use that day.

    Scenario 1

    Gang leader X sends a challenge to Gang leader Y and the second one accepts allowing X to set a GA on Y
    All trusted accounts will be able to see the GA in the gang assault page
    In this scenario we will have AP VS AP ( we have to think about how to implement HP as well )
    A gang war invitation should only last for 2 hours (TC time)

    Scenario 2

    Where leader X sends a challenge to leader Y but leader Y rejects .

    In this case the gang lead by X will automatically win 200 k gang points from the system and leader Y’s gang will get nothing. ( In this way we are avoiding complaints from leaders that won't want to fight )

    Last edited by ShadowsPT; 02-09-2021 at 05:16 PM.



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