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  1. #1

    Default Ideas/suggestions for round 123!

    Hi there!

    First of all, I want welcome everyone here to share their point of views and/or ideas and complaints for the upcoming round 123!

    As you all well know (I guess), there will be a possibility to own a secondary account if you get the VIP Package, so I would like to start from here first:

    Q: What advantage is there for us, owning a secondary account?
    - My suggestion is: To make it possible to hit your secondary accounts for stats only, but if you kill it, the kill wouldn't count as this could compromise the alley missions that acctually requires kills. I think since the only way to escape somebody you'll meet in rave it's gonna be either to OD or... well, just OD! So here the unwanted loss of stats problem kicks in not only from macros, but from the players who don't use macros too. This way, couple of hits to your secondary account could boost up a little of the lost stats from your main account for the day... I think.

    Q: How many times per TC day we could attack our secondary accounts?
    - Suggestion: As not to abuse your secondary account for milking purposes only, it should remain 2 hits per TC day for every profession, even if you are a hitman (not necessary).

    Q: Can secondary account donate to GANG?
    - Suggestion: Ofcourse we should be allowed to donate with our secondary accounts to upgarde gangs, since nobody with their main accounts would want to donate more than 10,8kkk (since more than that it's a waste of money, obviously). Also, since it is a SECONDARY account it shouldn't waste the trust slot of the gang. So, to make things more clear - you could donate straight away without a need to get a trust. But as not to abuse "VIP = GANG UPGRADES", the donation possibility with your secondary account should start from TC DAY 10 (just like special items, for the very same "too-much-of-the-advantage" reason.)

    ALSO concerning the number of raves you can actually own, I think 5 is a perfect balance for everyone. Think about it:

    If you want to hunt in order to pass the alley missions that you would need to kill somebody - the more raves everyone will have, the less chance to meet somebody. Especially for those, who prefer to hunt kills in their own raves with a "king-of-my-own-rave-tactic".

    Besides, I think raves is a very tricky thing to improve for everyone - since more raves limit would makes robbers happy and and hitmans very upset, also, the same result would be other way around with the less raves limit - hitmans overhelmed and robbers "quitting-this-shit-game". So yeah, I think 5 raves is okay for everyone.

    I think that should be enough to get going on this very topic concerning the secondary account. So I hope all those who prefer to complain to their own friends and have a discussion between themselves would participate here too. Since it might make big difference on the upcoming round 123, so let's make our ideas heard loud and clear.

    best regards,
    Last edited by LaptopGangster; 11-08-2020 at 10:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    This is what we initially had in mind ...

    As you can see we still want to just have it at that point for 1 round ... We had a chat about it in planning and people agreed we should have 1 round with it working like as you see in the link below .
    It wasn't because we had problems with the ideas it was because we do not know what this will do to the game and if we learned something from other changes we made it is always better to go step by step.

    Hope this makes sense to you guys
    Last edited by Bebynho20; 11-09-2020 at 10:04 PM.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    This is what we initially had in mind ...

    As you can see we still want to just have it at that point for 1 round ... We had a chat about it in planning and people agreed we should have 1 round with it working like as you see in the link below .
    It wasn't because we had problems with the ideas it was because we do not know what this will do to the game and if we learned something from other changes we made it is always better to go step by step.

    Hope this makes sense to you guys
    Likey! That's a good go with secondary acc for a start i guess =) Hope it will work and it would be improved for the other rounds too =D Anyways, I like this.

  4. #4


    close the game for free players, make the game paid. anyone with a sense, can measure how much abuse this is YES!
    If we just ran away from attacks by killing ourselves, what would a player without a vip be to recover lost status as easily as the Laptop said? For those who already start the round with all the benefits of vip, 25 exits from the hospital is easy to talk about and consider overdose as a good alternative ... and for those who do not have all these benefits?
    it just does not consider an ABUSE who already has the vision of how much will profit from this change.
    the game's course is sad. being a mercenary is not the solution.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by VIPscRIPt View Post
    ...what would a player without a vip be to recover lost status as easily as the Laptop said?
    Suppose there could be an advantage for the secondary account, like 50 hits for those who get VIP-3 and 20 hits for everyone? And everyone could own a secondary acc no matter VIP or not. That would be a suggestion from my point of view concerning VIPscRIPt's remark.

    Quote Originally Posted by VIPscRIPt View Post
    For those who already start the round with all the benefits of vip, 25 exits from the hospital is easy to talk about and consider overdose as a good alternative ... and for those who do not have all these benefits?...
    Well, I doubt 25 exits from HP gonna make huge difference, since now you have an option to EXIT the rave or OD... So for the next round I would suggest those 25 free exits from HP leave it to non-VIP players and for those who actually wants to get an advantage of the VIP pack - the number should be doubled at least and/or the price to be realesed from HP with creds should be lowered too.

    At the end of the day I'm not sure how it really will be next round concerning raves, but in my imagination - it's gonna be a tough round for everyone I think. Therefore, it should be something done about it to make things at least a bit easier... any ideas?
    Last edited by LaptopGangster; 11-11-2020 at 02:56 AM.

  6. #6


    your ideas seem more just. I believe that while there is an idea of ​​increasing benefits only for a group, such as players with VIP, there is an abuse, as much as making improvements only for the 4fun group and still making life difficult for the VIP group, the ideas they must run around the entire gaming community, not just around payers. it is a round that can surprise, but it will not surprise the end result of those who are abused only these changes and advantages for VIPs.

  7. #7


    Okay... So, after checking the beta just a little bit, I would want to really see some improvements before 123 round starts:

    1. MULTIS (a secondary account) - if to get hits from it I would actually need to go raves and find it, I'd rather play without secondary account in the first place, since I would get more stats from saving my ass rather than hunting my multi.. make it easier by actualy using the forgotten assaults page where u could hit your multi there without a need to look for it in raves (if that's what I need to do, to look for it in raves, since either I don't see the other option or I'm not aware of it even if it is)

    2. HP Bar - It should have been at least 1 exception for it to do not drop low while robbing off BINGO 1k tickets or suppose like CONDOMS could be bought on the items page for creds (10 minutes or 170 tickets for 20 creds HP DOESNT DROP LOW would do).

    best regards,
    Last edited by LaptopGangster; 11-14-2020 at 08:12 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    The HP bar wont drop for this round on robberies but we will make it so for R 124 ...

    On fights, and if you get in hospital, it will still drop.
    Last edited by eagleking52; 11-15-2020 at 01:25 PM.

  9. #9


    my suggestion is the bar of hp up by 2 for it minute and not 1 for minute.. its will be good for everybody hunt i guess

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello Akapo,

    We have not found it useful or good for the moment. We will have to reconsider it for future rounds.

    For the moment, it will stay as it is.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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