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  1. #1

    Lightbulb Small Tip for Top International Players - Balancing @bebynho20 @eagleking @Shadowspt

    I have a suggestion for the game to be a little more balanced for those looking for international leadership.
    Today we have a very annoying situation, which is the sale of stats of assassin players and unfortunately this makes the international top conquer not only by the best strategy, but by those who buy status from the assassins. There was a balance in the number of items to be used in each round and that was pretty cool, but for those who pay the stats to the assassins, they have an advantage of at least 5 million respect at the end of the round as your account will be full . My idea is:
    So as not to disturb the game, I suggest that whoever is the best international player has the option to buy stats straight from the game on the day 120 for 10 euros so that it is full, this will balance and there will be less problems with the sales stats .
    Last edited by xMcLoving; 11-18-2021 at 11:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Well .... If I have would make a poll asking players many will say NO ...

    I do not for how long you 've been playing TC but I can tell you that in the past years stats are no longer as important as before. We have introduced reduced the amount of stats we are taking in consideration as final respect at least 2 or 3 times.
    Long time ago we did not have said limits ... IMAGINE an account with 200 kk respect from which 180 kk was respect given by stats.

  3. #3


    @bebynho20 imagine um 2 traficantes com R$ no dia 120... Sem a soma dos stats, os 2 teriam 150.000.000 de respeito.
    Agora imagine que um jogue em um time que não tenha um assassino para "doar" stats a ele, ele terminaria com uma média de 3.500.000 de cada stats. Imagine outro, que compra stats dos assassino no "mercado negro" e chega a pagar 50 euros para deixar ele com uma média de 15.000.000 de cada stats. Você sabe muito bem dizer qual dos dois ganhará o round, certo? Então se você desse a oportunidade de quem nao tem tanta influência no jogo e talvez tempo de no último dia de jogo, comprar 12.000.000 de cada stats legalmente (sem comprar pelo mercado negro), isso ficaria mais balanceado e justo e o The Crims geraria uma boa renda no dia 120. Pense nisso, existem times novos que surgiram durante a pandemia e pararam pois nao conseguem ter essa influência que os mais antigos do jogo adquiriram. Translate Portuguese please.



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