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Thread: My 50 cents !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default My 50 cents !

    With every round that passes I am more and more baffled and I am saying this not as an owner but as an ex player or a gamer in general.

    I don't think I've ever played a game where I complained that I had to play said game TOO MUCH to WIN . All the games that are more or less competitive require time especially a game where you win things.

    Since round 1 TC has required time especially IF you want to win something but clearly playing in Germany or Spain is not the same as playing in Brazil or Poland. Once you decide you have to play to WIN you should realize that this game is going to eat a lot of your time , the same as any other " competitive game " .

    Reducing the round to 40 TC days made things much easier when it comes to playing for top but clearly some have forgotten the golden days when we had to play for 182 days / 5 weeks , 16 H per day or more.

    Fun story :when TC moved from multi to single account the first rounds where quite hard for them to balance and we had rounds where we did not have a ticket limit , or dealer transactions limit.
    I played those rounds and I can tell you that I had to rob non stop because 1 ticket = 1 hooker ... and at night we had to move drugs from accounts so basically we had to stay there from 12 until 6 in the morning because people had macros waiting for us to move ..

    I wonder what many of you would've done or said back then If you had to go trough that.

    Nobody is making you guys play for top every round and actually YOU SHOULD NEVER DO THAT because you will burn out !

    Since R 100 we have tried to make things easier for you guys , NO MORE GA , NO MORE 10 % stats loss when getting attacked 1 v 1 , no more MILKS , tickets are now limited .....there are so many things that have changed to make this game easier and more accessible is crazy and yet every round I get a PM on skype or I read a profile that leaves me speechless .

    No you will not win a medal or a cup by playing 1 H a day ! My mom puts more time in Candy Crush so than that.

    This is just my opinion as a player, of games in general !

    PS : I admit in the game has changed, we added many things , some good and some probably bad but it was done because we tried to keep the game fresh and because we wanted to make things entertaining.


  2. #2


    I think u should consider doin 1 longer round every x small rounds, just to change a bit the gameplay.

    Player database isnt big, so by changing a bit the gameplay u would make more people to join or play imo.

  3. #3


    Most people fail to communicate what they mean, since experiences and view point are subjective. From what I understand, the main problem is the bubble around a few players that keep winning because they have many ways to take advantage over those who, for instance, either didn't spend a hundred hours a week into the game, or doesn't have the money to keep up with the cost of vip + ticket to try and level things. With all due respect, allowing someone to have na advantage over half the player base because they throw in a couple euros isn't making the game accessible. For instance, you said that everyone now plays with a single account, and yet, vip players can have 3 of them. I'm not saying you shouldn't make money, I know nothing is free in this world. But instead of punishing many in detriment of a few, what about come up with different ideas? I think broker is a great example of what could happen: you have one role that makes money by both luck (because of pseudo-random with the prices of stocks and events that change that) and math. It's so closer to being balanced than all others, that only a few play with it. You said this is a competitive game, but how come that only a few win everytime? It may look it's working because the concept is right, but I don't think the execution is. If it was solely dependent on time, then it would be less complaining, but with vip + credits + multis + trust, how can someone who puts only a few a couple bucks on the game compete with something like that?
    You want to see people actually compete? Make them rely purely on skill. How? That's how games are making money now days. People spend money on skins, which maintain the game and doesn't disrupt its balance. But if that's something unthinkable to the crims, what about pay to play? Even if you choose not to do that with the main game, what about a second server for that? It may sound crazy at first, but many, many people actually do enjoy playing games that are fair and are willing to pay for something like that. At least I am.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by neoawp View Post
    Most people fail to communicate what they mean, since experiences and view point are subjective. From what I understand, the main problem is the bubble around a few players that keep winning because they have many ways to take advantage over those who, for instance, either didn't spend a hundred hours a week into the game, or doesn't have the money to keep up with the cost of vip + ticket to try and level things. With all due respect, allowing someone to have na advantage over half the player base because they throw in a couple euros isn't making the game accessible. For instance, you said that everyone now plays with a single account, and yet, vip players can have 3 of them. I'm not saying you shouldn't make money, I know nothing is free in this world. But instead of punishing many in detriment of a few, what about come up with different ideas? I think broker is a great example of what could happen: you have one role that makes money by both luck (because of pseudo-random with the prices of stocks and events that change that) and math. It's so closer to being balanced than all others, that only a few play with it. You said this is a competitive game, but how come that only a few win everytime? It may look it's working because the concept is right, but I don't think the execution is. If it was solely dependent on time, then it would be less complaining, but with vip + credits + multis + trust, how can someone who puts only a few a couple bucks on the game compete with something like that?
    You want to see people actually compete? Make them rely purely on skill. How? That's how games are making money now days. People spend money on skins, which maintain the game and doesn't disrupt its balance. But if that's something unthinkable to the crims, what about pay to play? Even if you choose not to do that with the main game, what about a second server for that? It may sound crazy at first, but many, many people actually do enjoy playing games that are fair and are willing to pay for something like that. At least I am.
    No comment !!!!!

  5. #5


    +1 i agree with every word you said. I spent a lot of time on the computer and play most competitive games for hours and i would gladly spend hours on the crims too if it was not that much pay to win. "For instance, you said that everyone now plays with a single account, and yet, vip players can have 3 of them." this is let alone enough to make it pay to win.

  6. #6


    How on earth having vip makes you able to play with 3 accounts? Having vip allows you to have a secondary account, not 2. And without VIP you cant play for top, no chance in hell. So now, please tell me, if there are over 100 players with VIP, and only 1 wins, how its this pay to win? all 100 are winning? am i missing something?

    And by the way, I think its a good trade to pay 10 euro for a chance at ~300 euro(of course, if your strategy it's good enough and you know what you are doing).

  7. #7


    Like you said "if there are over 100 players with VIP, and only 1 wins, how its this pay to win?". Players without VIP can not get even close so it is competition between people who pay to get VIP therefore this is not a competitive game. Just to clarify i am not against paying to games and devs to support them. I bought VIP about 5 times and bunch of credits with this account. And i will buy more to support the game i am having fun playing. My problem is there is a very huge difference competitive-wise between paying players and non paying players.
    Last edited by ZUGOC; 03-31-2022 at 07:14 PM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by ZUGOC View Post
    Like you said "if there are over 100 players with VIP, and only 1 wins, how its this pay to win?". Players without VIP can not get even close so it is competition between people who pay to get VIP therefore this is not a competitive game. Just to clarify i am not against paying to games and devs to support them. I bought VIP about 5 times and bunch of credits with this account. And i will buy more to support the game i am having fun playing. My problem is there is a very huge difference competitive-wise between paying players and non paying players.
    I agree, but this is how all browser based games are. And to be honest, thecrims it's much better "pay to win" wise than any other browser based game I've ever played, and trust me, i tried a lot of them. There are a lot of games(even much more popular) where you must spend over 300-400 euro in 1 month just to stand a chance, not even talking about thecrims, you can win a round with just 30-40 euro spent.

  9. #9


    I think prizes need to changed.

    A player that plays for top 1 kill spends 3 even 4x more irl cash then a player who plays for top 1 respect.
    yet, the top kill gives u 4k creds while the top respect gives u 15k?

    if u need to spend more u should be rewarded with more.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    I don't give out to anyone, I just throw myself in the discussion (if you allow me): I am nor on players side, nor on admin side, but the truth is in the middle, just everyone tries to make the story more like it belongs on their side. Lets explain:

    @ bogdan - "And by the way, I think its a good trade to pay 10 euro for a chance at ~300 euro". What you don't want to mention is: for top player you can't stop at just 1 vip for 10 eur; you MUST buy the last vip package because every 36 hours you can activate one and get more bonuses, and that package is not 10 eur. Besides that "extra" charge for vip, you MUST buy some credits also. All of the suddenly, you "so little 10 eur" become at least 100 eur?????

    @beby - you made a post just to do what the players do to you: complain. I already told you: as a manager, you don't get free flow for game; you MUST deal with complaints from players also. My advice: take is like a man
    @players: you can play every round in full, if u are nuts like me (I play this game since round 7 and my goal is to win something every round - the only difference is that I don't spend real money, but I loose at least 150 hours each round). But this is not about me: so, as a player, it is simple: you play by the rules of the game or find something else to do. Keep in mind that those rules can change every round (after some carefull cosideration from admin and after they received some feedback from players). P.S.: this is the only game where the rules can change in the middle of the game (for the same reasons outlines above).

    The idea of neoawp looks interesting: what if, at least 1 round, there is no vip, no credits, but every player who wants to play pays 10 or 20 eur (bogdan suggested that 10 eur are more then enough) to play the round. It will be a first for me to pay in 15 years since i play this game and I will REALLY pay if every player would have the same chance. (I don't know if it is fesable for you admins to just charge 10 or 20 eur from each player instead of what you make now - and it really isn't my business to know). But again, If all players would have the same chance, then yes, I will pay for the game.

    "Wish you all a good day and I am always happy when someone uses the FORUM"



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