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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default no limit clubs - facts


    There is only 1 word to describe round with clubs without limit: BRUTAL. (as a joke: maybe we all get a medal "I survived round 148" )


    - Is day 15 and I died 30 times (when limits where on, I would have died maybe maxim 4 times the WHOLE round. So your "cover story" that is better to die multiple times and loose only 0.5 % stats is just air balloon). And I am an experienced player. I looked at other players profile and they are at least over 50 deaths.

    - Nobody thought it through for players on mobile: is more then criminal. I tried to rob oil on mobile: of course I died. That is not the problem. The problem is that, when iI got out, I had to fill my stamina in order to rob oil but, I DIED the 1st time I got in my club. I couldn't even do 1 single oil rob. And this happened 4 times.

    - When limits were on, i could rob 450 tickets no problem at oil. Now, without limit, oil came 2nd time in city and I managed only 200 tickets (100 each time). Imagine i need 700 robs for level. I spend more time in hospital then robbing.

    - Most of old players (at least 10 years in this game) said they don't even go in clubs anymore. Just hire rob every 2 days.

    I am not saying that is bad or good with this new system. I just present facts. You pull out the conclusions.

    Happy hunting everyone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    There are 800 gang robs to do for basic leveling +500 Bitcoin and 750 Iluminati for higher levels... Its absurd... impossible to do gang robberies this way, yet the game requires us to do Gang robberies.

  3. #3



    The only problem that i see right now is losing 1 ticket + 50% stamina which totals for 1.5 tickets when you get hit. Otherwise, the change is very good for both hunters and top respect players. And now I am going to explain why.

    My personal feedback:

    -I never saw a top player dying less than 10-15 times in 1 round and that's because the game doesn't allow you to have a small limit everytime. Depending on events, you might get a lot of cash from something like a boat or a robb and then you cannot set a small limit. For example, this round day 14 : boat + chuck and eco in a non invest day. People would not be able to set a limit so what would've happened without this change? Everybody would get hit at least 5-7 times and they would lose at least 10k / hit. What happened last night? People got hit 5-7 times anyway and they lost 1.5k / hit. Better? MUCH BETTER. You were dying max 4 times because you simply didn't play the game in a competitive way.

    - About mobile, i admit it sucks, but in day 6 when DK came i managed to robb 200 tickets from phone and I got hit just 3 times. Maybe i was lucky cuz ppl didnt find my rave that much.

    - I am robbing as fast as last round when we had limits. There is no difference, you just have to run a bit more now. Last night I robbed 1200 tickets at chuck in 90 minutes. I dont understand how you managed to robb just 100 tickets in 1 TC day. Maybe you didnt use credits to get out of HP.

    - I also see a lot of old players which are saying the opposite. The opinions are balanced, just like the vote, pretty much 50-50.

    I believe that this change is very good and it helps both types of gameplay. For respect players it sucks right now because they are losing 1.5 tickets everytime they get hit, but if they change this thing then it would be 100% better. I don't understand how people enjoyed losing 100k stats in 1 TC day when we had an event compared to the 10k they are losing right now. Keep in mind the stats loss after the special trainings will be MUCH MUCH MUCH better. But if you don't play the game in a competitive way then you cannot know this since you never used the feature. Ask the top players how it felt to lose 200k/hit after day 40.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuma View Post
    There are 800 gang robs to do for basic leveling +500 Bitcoin and 750 Iluminati for higher levels... Its absurd... impossible to do gang robberies this way, yet the game requires us to do Gang robberies.
    You are saying its absurd and impossible and yet there will be at least 75% of the community doing that. What does this prove? Exactly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuma View Post
    There are 800 gang robs to do for basic leveling +500 Bitcoin and 750 Iluminati for higher levels... Its absurd... impossible to do gang robberies this way, yet the game requires us to do Gang robberies.

    I am sorry ... this made me LAUGH OUT LOUD ... and it did because I played this game for like 9 years.

  6. #6


    Lets calculate it.
    First of All im Broker not Hitman (JljJjJl)
    All hitman no. at this round =18
    Lets consider all of them will be online at ur robbery time
    Or event time and u dont change rave each 3-4 tickets as u play from mobile and u finished the big interactions with most of them as we are at day17 now, and all of them kills you 3 times(thats impossible) .

    So all possible hits 18 *3=54 hits
    54 hits * 1k stat =54 k stats

    U compensate alot of them from robs, and those 54 k stats at the previous rounds may lost in 2 hits if u forced to rob with cash.

    at end game time with full stats, i was afraid from getting hit with 250-300k so i prefer leaving 200 tickets, thats will not happen as i will lose about 30k in hit and its nothing if im playing on respect.

    U can finish kills alley as nothing to lose more than 58 kills and compensate some.

    Finally my advice to play on PC as rules always serve majority not odds.



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by StrykerTheLegend View Post

    Ask the top players how it felt to lose 200k/hit after day 40.
    Sorry but you are not right. With limits, you can get hit ZERO times even if you have respect 100 mil. So you don't need to be afraid you loose 250k stats in 1 go. Read again my post on how to avoid hits in rave (every round i find a rave which said "you are not welcomed in this establishment anymore". That ment that someone was using my method and it works. So your whole post is not true.

    @ HondaCivic: your post is also wrong. you take in consideration only hitmans (as u can see from my hits below, other professions hunt also). What about the rest of players and professions? Due to this rave limit change, almost all the professions use Rojon the killer district and put all skill they have in strength. While, a player who goes for top inter can't afford to use rojon since he looses money if he goes that why. So your supposition is wrong.

    Again: i am not saying that this path is better or the other one is good. I just say the facts by name. Everyone tries to hide or change the truth in order to make it more "on their side".

    Further more: Bg is in town and I got hit 2 times (again I robbed only 100 tickets). Where do you see 1k per hit? how did you "did the math" and you got only 54k per day? And is just day 17. In day 30, the more skill i have the more I loose. Should I go for your math for day 40 or 50? (P. S.: this is another bug for admin: if you have your armour and weapon bought, then you loose the full amount of percentage, EVEN if your armour and weapon is disabled at the moment you get hit. Basically, don't buy armour and weapon for 1 billion since you know you are gonna loose anyway)

    You have been attacked by Loukinhoo Day 18 01:49
    You lost the match.
    Your intelligence decreased with -2738.
    Your strength decreased with -2738.
    Your charisma decreased with -2738.
    Your tolerance decreased with -2738.

    You have been attacked by LeonBG Day 18 01:19
    You lost the match.
    Your intelligence decreased with -2365.
    Your strength decreased with -2365.
    Your charisma decreased with -2365.
    Your tolerance decreased with -2365.
    Last edited by alina; 07-15-2022 at 11:43 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Bottom line only Razvan is correct .. LMAO.

    Last edited by Bebynho20; 07-16-2022 at 10:05 AM.

  9. #9


    First of all i'm not playing this round so i can't tell how it feels to play without limits.

    Before this change i already thought the % of stats lost was to high, for example last round we had police in last day and i didn't rob because if i took 2hits i lost more respect than if i rob 200 tickets with police.

    Will always have players that prefer to play with limits and others that prefer to play without limits, but i think we can try to satisfy both sides if we have limits but with some range.

    For example:

    Limit 1: 25.000 respect
    Limit 2: 100.000 respect
    Limit 3: 300.000 respect
    Limit 4: 600.000 respect
    Limit 5: 1.200.000 respect
    Limit 6: 2.000.000 respect and so on.

    Something like this..but of course it's just an opinion that i know that have things favourable and unfavourable

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008



    Guys ... I don't want to be a dick ... Even though most of the times I AM hehehe but... let's spit facts the same way Razvan does


    1. The amount of stats lost at high level is clearly much better than previous rounds especially when you will have like 400 k of each on your account.

    2. If you won't spend credits to get out of hospital clearly you will think "well , I am ****ed because I die every 10 tickets " . Razvan said he died 2 times in 100 tickets, that is very good ... The problem is he doesn't want to spend the credits to get out of hospital , which again is OK ! Nobody is making you spend money, meaning that you play 4 FUN ! This GAME can be PLAYED FOR FUN but as you can see this game is played competitively, people spend TIME AND MONEY. NOTE : The time spent now in hospital is 15 min from 1 real hour , but I guess that is not important or you guys forgot to mention it.
    Now I am here to find or try to find a balance between those 2 types of players.
    Like I told Razvan, If i played like he is playing , I would not even care about the changes but that is JUST ME ! I was the type of player that ADAPTED to any change made by the game and trust me SOME MADE NO SENSE what so ever , and here I am not talking about rave limits , which by the way is something I PUT IN THE GAME.

    3. Most of old players? Man, most of old players who know how to play the game played more time without limits than with limits , most of old players used to lose 10 % of their stats , most of old players lived in a world where there was no hit limits between accounts, most of old players MILKED people that complain on this forum about STATS. Some of the things posted on this forum can be considered misinformation since clearly many of the new players do not know how the game was, so I can tell you , IT WAS WAY HARDER. I know, I played IT !

    4. This change was decided by the community and not by me ... I was always against removing limits but I think TheCrims is the only game of this sort that allows players to interact in a way that no other game does. If I would ve played for top I would not have cared if I died 10 times, I CARE ABOUT MY STATS. But I am the type of dude that pays credits.... and If I played for fun , well bad luck I would have to wait . I used to wait 7 h to allow my addiction to be low enough to rob, 7 real hours.

    5. Changes will come next round to the current system that will protect players a little bit more because like I said I want to find a balance and to make everybody happy which of course IS IMPOSSIBLE.

    NOTE: I am really sorry the new design is not ready, meaning that If you play from your phone you will DIE A LOT

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    Last edited by Bebynho20; 07-16-2022 at 10:27 AM.



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