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Thread: Bot de caça

  1. #1

    Exclamation Bot de caça

    Olá boa noite...

    Passando pra informar que tem players usando bot de auto porrada já 6x que morro em menos de 1seg os cara não dar tempo nem de olhar, já mata ... gostaria que verificasse os jogadores que me atacaram são tudo VIP e com certeza, não estão matando em raves de forma legal não... eu conheço bem o jogo e posso afirmar que não existe essa velocidade toda pra matar a pessoa numa rave não.... desde já agradeço...

  2. #2


    Pelo visto os adms não ligam muito para bots...
    Inclusive, se alguem aí tiver para compartilhar... agradeço

  3. #3


    Pode ser o servidor da cozinha dos caras, tem um lag enorme. Mas de fato, tem muito script no jogo - os hunters se deram bem nesse round todo bugado, sem bid... os adms não conseguem investigar, eles acham normal o tempo de reação de milésimos de segundos; o jogo é pay2win, esses caras pagam uma fortuna nos vips packs, tu nem tem chance de fazer algo. Bom que o game vai morrendo aos poucos, ai só fica o os adms e os bot xD!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello All,

    There has been some problems on the servers. That is true. However, this is not because we rent servers from an unknown company.

    Servers are rent from Amazon and this kind of errors can even happen with Amazon servers as well.

    We have worked out about this and we have managed to fix them as soon as possible.

    Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  5. #5


    Hey @eagleking52 the point isn't where the servers are located, we understand lag. The point is: how is it possible for someone to kill me even before I appear inside the rave? Or how can it be that they kill me when I can't even seem them? Does that make sense to you? It takes me aproximately 1 sec to load the rave once I click enter, and another second for me to click to use and on exit, and yet, althought there was no one else in the rave, I'm dead. How can that be possible? You said in another post that people shouldn't be lingering around on raves in a video where the other person literally doesn't even show up for the one recording and yet, kill them instantly. How can you not see how messed up that is? Or are you just pretending you don't because those are the people who spends the most amount of money, just to disrupt other people's game experience? Jeez, this shouldn't be so hard to comprehend. You've been doing this for more than a decade and still seems lost.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello neoawp,

    Firstly, entering rave in 1 second is very slow connection. Please check your connection or computer. Some people can do it within miliseconds when you are doing in 1 second. Sorry but I cannot say that all enter rave in 1 second. This is not real.

    If a person enters rave after you, they have a small advantage by seeing you inside rave faster than you see them in rave. So, they get extra time to act faster.

    Still, this does not mean that whoever smacks you is clean. Please report the suspicious assaults with game day and time. So that,we will be checking them and compare their logs.

    We are not against you. We are on the same side. I hope that one day we can find a tool to catch all cheaters within a second.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]

  7. #7

    Arrow You understood...

    first you arent undestanding what we are bring here... its clean they are using bots/scripts to hit on rave... my internet connection is amazing, maybe I died one time only cuz internet down.. but the mainly points is... what are you doing to see the logs about the reports? you say '1 sec is too much check your connection' I can say with property 1 sec is a low time to hit someone, but the timethey are geeting to hit us is surreal, isnt 1sec, is less than 1 sec... the community is tired, 1 year and nothing did, maybe you dont play your own game to say shit about it...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Hello AwokeBR,

    If you think that we are not playing our own game, that means you have no idea what is going on on the game.

    Assault system is not that hard to execute it in even less than 1 second. With a stupid mouse and computer with hundreds of pages open, I can even smack as fast as they smack.

    So, what? Am I using bot?

    These people have been playing game for years and have been hunting for many rounds.

    Still, if you find something suspicious, report it to us via support center.
    If they are really bot, I can assure you that they will be banned.
    But, you have to understand that there is always a possibility that they are clean and they are much better than you.
    Your Sincerely
    eagleking52 / Tolga Gedik
    Game Manager
    Abuse Team Leader
    [email protected]



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