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Thread: questions

  1. #1

    Lightbulb questions

    i have several questions, hope someone can help
    what is the maximum number of tickets i can hold as robber or businessman ?
    how many tickets do i get per day as robber or businessman?

    also, there is players in raveparty kills me almost instantly , less than 0.5s ( im sure my pc and internet is good enough ) how is that possible?

    thank you

  2. #2


    anyone has any idea?

  3. #3



    Most of the questions can be awnsered looking at the game guide:

    But I can respond some that you wasked:

    Robber = 450 Max / 120 per day
    Other Classes = 300 Max / 72 per day

    About the rave

    just be quick, there are people that is quicker due proximity to servers, as you see as 0.5s, they might see you for 1 or more segs... it sucks but it is what it is.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014



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