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Thread: Bot

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Belo Horizonte

    Default Bot

    Seria muito bom se o Abuse Crew conseguisse banir esses killers que usam BOT. N�o tem a menor condi��o de serem t�o r�pidos. N�o venham com desculpas do tipo

    1. A internet deles � melhor que a nossa.
    2. O equipamento que eles jogam � melhor que o nosso.
    3. Ahhhh � por causa do famoso LAG.
    4. Eles realmente s�o muito r�pidos.
    5. Ahhhh eles usam iPad.

    N�o se esque�am que j� fui do ABUSE CREW. J� dei muito ban por uso de BOT e nenhum l�der nunca foi contra nenhum dos bans que foram dados.

    J� passou da hora de parar isso. S�o sempre os mesmos.
    Last edited by VanessaBHZ; 01-15-2024 at 06:55 PM.

  2. #2


    Esta Cert�ssima! est� na hora de pararem de pensar no bolso e pensar nos players que mesmo com a presen�a dos BOTs, ainda insistem em jogar e mantem o jogo vivo

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by VanessaBHZ View Post
    Seria muito bom se o Abuse Crew conseguisse banir esses killers que usam BOT. N�o tem a menor condi��o de serem t�o r�pidos. N�o venham com desculpas do tipo

    1. A internet deles � melhor que a nossa.
    2. O equipamento que eles jogam � melhor que o nosso.
    3. Ahhhh � por causa do famoso LAG.
    4. Eles realmente s�o muito r�pidos.
    5. Ahhhh eles usam iPad.

    N�o se esque�am que j� fui do ABUSE CREW. J� dei muito ban por uso de BOT e nenhum l�der nunca foi contra nenhum dos bans que foram dados.

    J� passou da hora de parar isso. S�o sempre os mesmos.

    The last 2 lines of this little post made me laugh harder than the last Dave Chappelle show on Netflix.

    Fyi I think that if we check the last top killers more than half of them have a history of bans for rule 5. When you were crew people did not macro as much as they do now, when you were crew there was no INPUT as we have now, BECAUSE there was no need for it.

    I've been here for more than 15 years and I KNOW WHAT YOU DID as CREW ! So please stop talking about my CREW they are doing their best against people who change macros on a daily basis.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Belo Horizonte


    Quote Originally Posted by Bebynho20 View Post
    The last 2 lines of this little post made me laugh harder than the last Dave Chappelle show on Netflix.

    Fyi I think that if we check the last top killers more than half of them have a history of bans for rule 5. When you were crew people did not macro as much as they do now, when you were crew there was no INPUT as we have now, BECAUSE there was no need for it.

    I've been here for more than 15 years and I KNOW WHAT YOU DID as CREW ! So please stop talking about my CREW they are doing their best against people who change macros on a daily basis.
    N�o bebynho. Voc� n�o sabe absolutamente nada sobre o crew que eu fiz parte. Por acaso voc� est� insinuando que �ramos todos corruptos? Na verdade nem sei porque voc� riu tanto, mas eu n�o vou ser ir�nica com voc�. J� percebi que voc� n�o tem o h�bito de respeitar as pessoas e n�o vou baixar o n�vel. Isso � prerrogativa sua. Tem bot rolando solto sim! N�s n�o somos idiotas, apenas amamos esse jogo que � bem maior que voc� e seu comportamento desnecessariamente agressivo. E pare de gritar! Pare de ser desagrad�vel. Em momento algum falei mal do "seu" crew. Isso sim � engra�ado... "seu" crew... Mas era isso que eu vim aqui dizer e n�o sou s� eu que pensa o mesmo.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I was just praising you for doing some good stuff for the BR community heheh... MY BAD .
    So let's talk about what you just posted here.

    Firstly it was you who implied that crew is not doing anything which is crazy since some are Brazilians and they are doing their best. The changes we are doing to the game as we speak are to reduce contact between cheaters and the normal players as much as we can because there isn't just ONE bot going around but MANY. Or do you think we are sleeping here ?
    The difference between when you were crew and now when it comes to BOTS and MACROS is like comparing the FORD T car with the current Ford 350 so please stop saying we are not trying.

    I am not implying you were all corrupted ... but I am saying I know things and I know them FROM ex CREW,but I am not going to bring that back because it makes no sense. We had corrupted crew as well and they are all GONE now because I HATE that crap . You want to know why ? Because I was a PLAYER ... and I had to suffer that not once but multiple times.

    Respect ? I respect people who show me respect and I always stood by that statement. I am not going to come here and tell people our nice story hehehe so let's keep it like it is.
    Do not think I speak badly to everybody in this game .. it is not true ..

    Have a good day !

  6. #6


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