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Thread: Nothing New !

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    Exclamation Nothing New !

    Hello everybody ,

    I'm playing this game since 5 year's + - and nothing new changed .

    thing's still going same as people want not the fair way want and that's not changed since start till now
    i can't understand this multiple account system is for some people and some no , ?
    i can see many people who is banned since 4 ~ 5 day's ago after auto mutli hunter updated and being full ,
    and now they are unbanned , it's something about someone is unknown and other is crew friend's ! ?
    or what's going on while someone is banned for log-in over 20 id other's , and now is unbanned it's
    normally ? or he is extra special ? , if he is then let us know how can we be extra special too ,
    and we will do same as he did to get extra option's or rule's , game keeping fail and fail what' new
    that's the idea just let us know who is special and who is not to make thing's easy for us
    first example i was talked with memox he told me multi hunter wasn't full so ban was limit days and
    unban but later ban is till end of round at start of round ..

    IbRaHiMoViCh id=14031271 " he is banned cus of rule 2 " and till end of round and this ban was at start too
    and kyrsza was banned for same case #2 and unbanned after 30 day tc ..
    and sycyli4no was banned for #2 and unbanned too find it out
    same with noname sharing account's with pass and just ban 30 day tc and unbanned
    and now and at least tekilaboy id=4985740 " he was banned for logging over 20 account
    from same IP and he is unbanned now " , i won't talk alot cus all ppl can see that normally and easliy
    but alot is fear to talk cus of gettin ban or afraid from crew to act against them ..
    so make for all of us same rule's or better make in the bottom of Rules word special rules
    other than which for normal ppl good luck .
    Last edited by MiDO; 02-26-2012 at 02:15 AM.



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