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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    England, London


    kakaruz we can always talk with skype.
    This is quite a good reason why yours translations is incorrect. You should speak through the skype or at least speak during a skype call but not as you are saying. Also yours signature is incorrect...
    If you never failed you never lived.
    Should be that If you've never failed you've never lived. From that we can conclude that your English is not good. But your Lithuanian is not too bad and you got some interesting slang but some is childish. Just if you are not sure about the best translation or you don't know how to do it you should contact someone to get translation done correctly. But please don't give a shit to lithuanians.. As I've been moderator or even now receiving many complains and specially about so far your job is shit.


    1. Mums nereikia vandens, leisk gaidžiams degti! Pabandyk ištaškyti vieną iš konkurentų pastatų ar paštyrint kurvytę. Jis tikrai užsipis!
    2. Ištaškyk pastatą
    3. kekše
    4. Atnaujinti


    1. Mums nereikia jokio vandens, leisk asilams degti! Pamėginkite, susprogdinti vieną iš varžovo pastatų arba nužudyti vieną iš jo kekšių. Tai sunervins jį.

    2. Susprogdink pastatus.

    3. Privažiuok prie prostitučių

    4. Tobulinti
    Life is about evolving & I try to make changes everyday to become a better person.

  2. #2


    Agree with gunhawk !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    agree with gunhawk

  4. #4


    maybe amex doesnt speak english fluent, but it doesnt mean that his translations is bad. All gangsters agrees that "gaidys" is better than "asilas" as much as "kekšė" is better than "prostitutė". Amex (red) translation is like criminals language. Gunhawk (green) translation is more polite and considering what this game is about its not so relevant to criminal life.
    however i agree that some words is translated just by the dictionary, but not by the action meaning. for example "tobulinti" is more suitable word than "atnaujinti". Other corrections makes no sense as much as other corrections makes no difference.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Milan - Vilnius


    Quote Originally Posted by Gunhawk View Post
    This is quite a good reason why yours translations is incorrect. You should speak through the skype or at least speak during a skype call but not as you are saying. Also yours signature is incorrect... Should be that If you've never failed you've never lived. From that we can conclude that your English is not good. But your Lithuanian is not too bad and you got some interesting slang but some is childish. Just if you are not sure about the best translation or you don't know how to do it you should contact someone to get translation done correctly. But please don't give a shit to lithuanians.. As I've been moderator or even now receiving many complains and specially about so far your job is shit.


    1. Mums nereikia vandens, leisk gaidžiams degti! Pabandyk ištaškyti vieną iš konkurentų pastatų ar paštyrint kurvytę. Jis tikrai užsipis!
    2. Ištaškyk pastatą
    3. kekše
    4. Atnaujinti


    1. Mums nereikia jokio vandens, leisk asilams degti! Pamėginkite, susprogdinti vieną iš varžovo pastatų arba nužudyti vieną iš jo kekšių. Tai sunervins jį.

    2. Susprogdink pastatus.

    3. Privažiuok prie prostitučių

    4. Tobulinti
    First of all you should understand that I wasn't the first or the only one Lithuanian language translator. I already fixed a lot of things.
    Some parts I left, other things still needs to be fixed, but the SLANG is the part of TheCrims. I removed all russian language slang that isn't a part of Lithuanian language.
    If you have complains from other players please share it with me.
    Translation most important thing is the meaning and it should not be a direct translation. Some words you can't translate by dictionary for two reasons:
    1) it's not in use in another language 2) it doesn't sound good.
    For this reasons we always check for alternative ways. I agree with "upgrade" translation is better "pagerinti" than "atnaujinti". I made this translation before it was possible to see that in the game. I fixed it while ago. Devs doesn't update translations every day.

    However new suggestions are always welcome, but your way of translation is even worse than my. You only take synonym words and think that's better.
    All the best ways to translate we can discuss in Lithuanian support.

    In the end. it is shame to collect your fan club on skype chat asking your friends to write here that they agree with you.

    1. No sense to change it.
    2. No sense to change it.
    3. It's an example of old TheCrims version translation. Devs used this translation from old rounds and they didn't put it on new translations list. Before Lithuanian language was translated without respecting upper-case and lower-case letters, dot, comma and other gramma. It's not my fault.
    4. fixed.
    Last edited by amex; 05-14-2014 at 03:05 PM.
    If you never failed you never lived.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    England, London


    First I want to thank you that you are listening and for your desire to solve problems together to improve translations. Please don't get it wrong I'm not collecting fans but trying to involve more players to this discussion. It's looks worse than it is but should be straight forward.
    If you are sensible guy so you should understand that you shouldn't change words meaning as you did with motherf*cker. Motherf*cker is močkrušys or asilas with censor as many translators does. You've changed the word to cocksucker which means gaidys. Sorry but for me this word is too disgusting.
    Now about #2. Ištaškyk sounds childish and pastatą means that only 1 building not with opportunity to blow up more than 1 so you mislead a player. So make it right and translate as it should be.
    I hope that it makes sense to you now...
    Life is about evolving & I try to make changes everyday to become a better person.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    England, London



    Mums nereikia čia vandens, lai močk*ušiai dega! Pamėginkite susprogdinti vieną iš priešininko pastatų ar nužudyti vieną iš jo kalių. Tai tikrai jį sunervuos.

    Užuomina: Kuo daugiau laiko planuosi, tuo bus didesnė sėkmės tikimybė.

    Jūs galite padėti savo gaujos nariams apsaugoti jų pastatus, įjungdami apsaugos režimą. Kai esate apsaugos režime, jūs negalite atlikti jokių kitų veiksmų. Jūs turite galimybę įjungti ir išjungti apsaugos režimą kada tik norite. Jei esate sabotažo auka, jums nerekia ijungti apsaugos režimo ginant save.

    [ Įjugti apsaugos režimą ]

    Susprogdink pastatus

    Atlikite sabotažą atsitiktiniem konkurento pastatam. Šis sabotažas reikalauja intelekto ir galios. Atsitiktinio sabotažo atlikimas gali būti pavojingas. Šnipas gali padėti jums pagerinti sėkmės šansus, suteikdamas jums informaciją apie žaidėjo turimus pastatus ir jų apsaugą.

    Minimalus laiko reikalavimas: 600 sekundžių
    Jėgos reikalavimas: 50%


    [Planuoti sabotažą]

    Privažiuok prie prostitučių

    Užmūšk kales! Privažiuok greitai prie kekšių ir leisk kulkoms skraidyti. Šis sabotažas reikalauja intelekto ir galios.

    Minimalus laiko reikalavimas: 600 sekundžių
    Jėgos reikalavimas: 50%

    [Planuoti sabotažą]

    Susprogdink narkotikų atsargas

    Užpulk kito žaidėjo narkotikų atsargas ir leisk joms degti. Keršto liepsnos sušildys tavo šaltą širdį ir tai suteiks tau belenkiek malonumo.

    Minimalus laiko reikalavimas: 600 sekundžių
    Jėgos reikalavimas: 50%

    [Planuoti sabotažą]
    Last edited by Gunhawk; 05-14-2014 at 11:05 PM.
    Life is about evolving & I try to make changes everyday to become a better person.

  8. #8


    ištaisyk "Jai esate sabotažo auka," ne "jai" bet "jei" arba "jeigu".
    "Privažiuok prie prostitučių. Užmūšk kales! Privažiuok greitai prie kekšių ir leisk kulkoms skraidyti."
    maybe it would be more logical to write "Užmušk prostitutę. Užmušk kales! Pravažiuodamas pro kekšes leisk kulkoms skraidyti"

    the main point is:
    1. susprogdinti pastatus. (Blow up buildings)
    2. užmušti prostitutę. ( o ne privažiuoti prie prostitutės) (Kill the hooker) i know that its not the translation, its a correction or advice so if you dont care, so leave it as it is. but it makes more sense to kill not to drive-by.
    3. susprogdinti narkotikų atsargas. (Blow up drug stock).

    other translation is GOOD!!!!! nicely done!!!
    Last edited by kutvelas; 05-14-2014 at 09:20 PM.

  9. #9


    Normally I don't play beta, because the translation used to be very bad. So as I seen this conversation, I went to beta and re-checked again all the translations, to see has it got any improvements. But still most of the translations are very bad, and some of the parts sounds very stupid and childish, which doesn't really make any sense. So my opinion is that Gunhawk's translations makes much more sense, and it would be much more enjoyable game to play, when you see a sensible but not childish translations. To finish off, I think beta would have more people from Lithuania playing this game.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Milan - Vilnius


    As I said before devs have updated the game from old round futures. For example all Sabotage section was removed before I came, and for this reason you all can see many errors created by another translator and other part of text is still impossible to translate - it's not updated. These errors you can find on Beta. I am sorry about this, and hope to fix them all before the new round. KEEP CALM.

    Last edited by amex; 05-15-2014 at 11:02 AM.
    If you never failed you never lived.



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