I'm a victim of hacking of my pg My ID 15013771 my nickname: antinoobz I play alone My Ip: my e mail [email protected] old password 2f84fc hacking in 5 dicembre, discovered 6 I want to register on [email protected] Problem:Someone promised me that he will help me increse my respect but he take every thing. The member who had stolen me account was "gius3pp3" (ID 15542115). This member entered in my account with his ip and the name changed in "taranta". When I discovered this, I was at the hospital killed by this member. Situation: This member had stolen me 40000 stats on average and stolen me 20 credits.
I read what you wrote has greek4fun ... does not say there were wrong things right ban, and ban unfair, I and my team (italianteam) we have been banned for bots, you let me know what has checked Nizar, saying that we have used bot, maybe I was wrong to have only a reasonable explanation why I have invested money and time ... please let me know what happened because
hi , ive played for like 32 rounds , ive logged on every round . with out a fail . and still i dont have my old account , anyway of replacing this with medals back ... thanks daniel
ahahhahahahahahaah holy shit , another ****, get a life
Hi, My Name İs Mert. . My age 15 I played this game before I would like to take Crewe. Foreign languages: English, German İngilizce: upper-intermediate English: upper-intermediate level. German: 7 years since my training Im receiving. Bu tarz text tabanlı oyunlar çok oynadım ve biliyorum. This style of text-based games I played and I know too. My language is good.
how are you?
Acha isso? .. Enquanto você acha eu só tenho certeza ;} É como Eu sempre digo: -Grandes Artistas tem Grandes Criticos... Acha que sua Opinião vale tanto assim Padrinho? Essa é a cooperação inegavel a nossa inferioridade As Verdades escondidas, quando afloradas e ditas diretamente incomodam muitos³ que a ocultam ... Oououououououououoouo³ PS: **** seu inglês, por mim digite em portugues ;D
hi, could you process my problem? http://forum.thecrims.com/support-ot...ag-urgent.html
mororus want to become a crew member abuse. please. hug.
bot ban ¬¬' i don't believe.