There isn't any requirement to save some money into bank there are just two. One said that user need to get up to 2500 respect and rob 5x in gang robberie. I make a screeshoot and take a look at it....
Type: Posts; User: Dahakka
There isn't any requirement to save some money into bank there are just two. One said that user need to get up to 2500 respect and rob 5x in gang robberie. I make a screeshoot and take a look at it....
I have the same problem! I have already submit a ticket with this bug, but problem still persists :) I have about 1,3kk on bank and i have acomplish requirement for 2500 respect. I have also...
I also agree, that playin with one account if more fun, but I suggest you, that you work on detecting players who cheat. I know many of them who are succesfully using more than one account.
sešteješ inteligenco, toleranco, moč in karizmo in deliš s 4. Rezultat mora biti večji od navedenega, v tvojem primeru 20.000 :)
I found one bug in beta version with ajax. Because of page load you cant change language :S It's always english :S:D check it out. By the way it's preety nice correction :)
EDIT: I can't collect...
You can use VPN connection :) But be aware, wrong configuration may lead you to ban :) Use it on your own risk as many players here do the same.
There is a lot of bugs in beta. When i try to enter in any rave i am redirected to start page. When i buy drugs i am after succesfull buy redirected to start page. Also the alley have a lot of bugs...
obiščeš klub pod nočnimi lokali.
Are there planned any changes in beta for this round or not? I was take a look at it, but nothing different seems to be implended yet :D
Well, I suggest you that you also use more rabbits and then bug all king of drugs in this way you could have drugs as much as you will rob during the round. So you have several options to have enough...
Well I have one idea. If so much people like this bounty hunting why don't you implend this idena in this way, that you need to spend some amount of credits and then when you spend it, for example 10...
what kind of quests do you need to complete to earn credits? I mean what did you mean on that?
It's true and there is something, if you get this page when you are in nightclub, you don't get your spended ticket back. :) This game has a lot of bugs, but noone make attentions on it. Also there...
Why don't you enable to all players to have enabled all kind of training options, because it's good for players who don't play so often and they don't log in so many times per day and them it will...
And what do you need to have if you want to have bigger training options, do you maybe know?
I have only one question and I will not open for it a new thread, beacause it's not needed. Well in beta version there was often a few time ago option at training center that you can train for 10,...
Če nisi opazil, ne igram te igre več kot že eno leto pa pol, torej? ;) Retorično vprašanje :)
Sama sebe hvalita? haha, no coment :)
My opinion is, that this new implendment is good I like it a lot, because this mean, that you aren't glued to computer 20 hours per day and you can play freely. Mostly before lost's of players have...
You have also said many time, that you will leave this game because of changages which were made in game and you have play it anyway. So please stop complainnig and spamming about it and rather go...
vip package got some bugs. I robbing now and i rob last rob which was green and i failed it and go to prison. please check your formula :)
ID of affected acc: 1321604
time: Dan 15 18:06
Does anyone cares about this problem anyway?
Here is also screenshot:
addons. certainly portals in my own language :) That's my opinion.
Problem is still presented to me, let me explain you what I want to say. I go to training center and choose to train Martial arts. I have two options to train first one lasts 10 minutes and second 30...
But is still presented in beta tc also when you update training center. please check this once again!