TC sem GA não é TC
TC is not without GA TC
Type: Posts; User: FagnerReis
TC sem GA não é TC
TC is not without GA TC
Chamem os advogados do Fluminense, acho que vai resolver a parada
This, 154 or 160 is excellent
1 - Remove acc the protected system and make a new system for them to leave the hospital and prison grace or better
2 - When you search rave, has the option of respect, if you leave it about the...
The first change of profession at least be for cash and other exchanges as ta increasing the price per cred, why sometimes you can make one wrong profession selection of unintentionally
Had not noticed, but put it now in beta only
Pt-Br: Ter uma opção para sair do clube da luta
English: Have an option to leave the fight club
Then and matter of taste, old money system and better think without this inventory
1 - Back to the old money system for the respect;
2 - Remove the protected system and make a new system for them, to leave the hospital or prison for free for 10 times something;
Sim dai, qnd ta la manda vir postar aqui pra melhor visualização
UP for look
Pt-Br: Cara só achei desnecessário essa mudança no valor do dinheiro em relação ao respeito, pq ja mudaram tempos atras o valores dos roubos solos, agora isso, desvalorizo os roubos, se era pra fazer...