A realidade, caro amigo criador do post, é que eles não ligam mais para isso. Você pode falar o que quiser... Apesar de que acho, q virão com a mesma ideia das passadas:
"Estamos tentando...
Type: Posts; User: SoberanO
A realidade, caro amigo criador do post, é que eles não ligam mais para isso. Você pode falar o que quiser... Apesar de que acho, q virão com a mesma ideia das passadas:
"Estamos tentando...
Certo. No caso, como está a relação de tickets/minutos?
Gostaria de saber como é a questão de tickets/min por profissão atualemente?
Se não me engano, no round 100 ou 101 não me recordo qual que teve uma mudança nesse sistema, e que o ladrão teria mais...
Nick: Soberano
id: 16115047
France 1 x 2 Argentina
Uruguay 2 x 1 Portugal
As vezes que eu penso que esse jogo tá bom, ele faz é piorar!
Tudo bem, que adicionem um novo nível, mesmo sabendo que as profissões estão sim desequilibradas!
Outro fator, como é...
Id: 16115047
Nick: SoberanO
Marocco 2 x 0 Iran
Egypt 1 x 3 Uruguay
Portugal 1 x 2 Spain
Are you sure I did not send a ticket to the support?
Look at your support box and see that I sent yes, but I sent it on the Portuguese support, because, I was not specifying which support...
Os níveis ainda estão com erros. Já enviei suporte e nada de corrigi-los, será possível que vão corrigir apenas no próximo round?
Observem o nível 10 - LADRÃO > CHEFE
Está pedindo 2 requisitos...
How long will it take you to return the lost tickets at the beginning of the round with an update that did not work out and after a few days of gameplay you corrected and promised to return to those...
Alu rei de todos. Achei a era newba, mas nesse round vimos o verdadeiro newba em ação. NoAgaiN fazendo escola de noobice.
Parabéns Almirante, Alu, Dudu.
Plaka mito! SoberanO, tbm kkk
Why all the rounds have change? Why not let go? It is common knowledge that not always this or that style of play will appeal to everyone, so you will never find a way to please the all playing TC...
The achievements that are in the classic version, can be transferred to the normal version?
So Memox, can or not?
A change that should be done, in my view and to adapt to this system of an account, should be to reduce the playing time to 154 days. I think that 184 was made and appropriate to the system mults...
Could create an option to delete spys?
I understand your concern memox! But it does not, you have to understand that the hours spent whether with or without bug were stressful! For this round by these events and the minimum would be...
Very good. We just wanted a fair and fun game. Now who voted reset game, I hope you enjoy, as most who voted Normal plays TC. And if you will reset memox at least enable cover and do not miss 50% of...
The simplest way to end this sh** is restart the game, but turn to AC cover and make everyone happy (rofl).
I believe that will not be done, so ... I wanted the continuation of the game, something...
I remember that last round the cover was enabled and after many made several statistics in real 2 days or something, which may have yes, fact decided the round. Now this round something else happens...
Hello everyone,
Memox, which the calculation formula for this bribery be so high?
I do not understand how you can be so high as to be impossible to pay for that price with a pretty little...
I prefer this system of robberies gg. Please go back as shown in the video Flávio92.
A simple system for us and for you too, Memox.
I think this change of GG theft was asked this, but in practice part, I see that this must be improved. Please withdraw this mode, to which the LapTop player showed the images. I agree to remove the...
It is easy to criticize and so these see so to the best of TC CLASSIC which was both the request for us we like and appreciate this kind of game.
You know and saw that we ordered was simple and we...
I agree with Flavio, simply you do not many stats to be compensated in GA. You spend a few hours doing your stats and the time to do what is right does not have the expected income, this has to be...
I do not know if you will agree with this suggestion, but whatever.
I see exaggerated the number of spys to make a steal on GG. So I thought that with the condition of lowering the number of spys...