Poti sa ne ajuti cu un video ?
Type: Posts; User: n3nd
Poti sa ne ajuti cu un video ?
You Kill The Game , BRO .
What is this ?
In hunt i can attack or i can be attacked .
The BOT can't attack me , where is the FUN ?
Where is the fun to enter in a rave and kill a bot , that can't...
Poti sa stai linistit, modalitatile noastre de depistare a botilor sunt foarte multe, am prinsi foarte multi boti si vom prinde in continuare, dar avem nevoie si de ajutorul vostru, daca...
40 days to short
120 days to long
Take the midle 60 days !!!
Runda 128 este aici și vine doar cu câteva modificări mici.
Acțiunile privind componentele au fost crescute la 35 din fiecare tip. Numărul de licitații vizibile a fost mărit cu 5...
Salut Tuturor,
Runda 127 este aici și vine cu câteva modificări mici și câteva caracteristici noi.
District :
Am creat 2 districte noi Districtul HP - DISTRICTUL BĂNCII DE SÂNGE
Modificări pentru runda 126!
Districte :
* S-a modificat sistemul de crestere a biletelor la district , la 20 de zile în loc de 10 zile . Biletele vor crește la fiecare 20 de zile, după cum...
Buna ziua ,
Iata modificarile pentru runda 125
* Am creat un nou cartier care va oferi bilete suplimentare zilnice ca bonus. Puteti detine doar o strada in acest cartier.
* Când...
Too all admins i don.t discuss my ban i accept my ban.
I just ask bebynho20 why he sayed my profile is ok ??????
Want proofes ?? No problem i can add prints .
So stop close the topic i don.t...
Ahh i forgot big Bebynho after u reset my profile , u was ok.with my new one and surprize after 1 week i take ban :) why ??? U sayed write what u want but not about ur name . U even asked why i write...
Ok , Mr. Memox i am waiting you answer because seams that this coowner bebynho is not correct when its about his wife Alessandra .
The problem is i got banned 1 day because Bebynho that say he left...
Congrats to all the winners and the participants :)
I don't think is a good ideea we already have medals for " most respected " and " top killer " . Where is the point to make others for new players ?
The new players should learn from the old ones ....
- din aceasta runda informatiile referitoare la urmatorul vapor sunt gratis .
- Din aceasta runda puteti lasa din nou incredere unui singur prieten pentru a va manageria contul.
- Jucatorul cu cele...
What is this shit ? i said many times about changing the style of KILS and nobody do nothing . What we play top kils or top donations ?
Single assaults
Date Attacker Victim Result
On this i agree :) probably is the only thing i agree with u
Heheh :) some things here are good but some things make me laugh stryker boy :d . How u can say that anonymus rave is good for "noobs" , when u know that is very easy to milk with anonymus rave , we...
Finnaly you get it !!! Crew was not ur place !!! Go on the market maybe u will be more good there :)
This is the way how DrFulen and TheBestHunters :D whant win top gg :
[15:45:02] Ionut Harton: [14:18:07] ChArLlEs DrFuLeN: brow here
[14:18:30] xBorges: Hi
[14:18:39] Apel în grup
Yep , Sports is right , Shits happens alltime :D changes made during round the worst thing ever if u guys make a change make it from the start of round and let it until end . And if Memox decide to...
Hi ,
Bring back the option for auto robb , now gang robbs is shit . How we can play for top and for topgg ?
- If we whant make topp we must robb with 50 people
- When 50 people robbb 20...
Give us back the raves with name , gang attak , stop this shit !!!!!!!
Shit ideea !!!
He come back next round ? reallly ? i think he play every round , from when he get his perm ban . So from where he come back ?
SMK AND SHADOWS u only see coruption u cry here because hamada was unbaned from his permanet , WHY U DON:T CRY ALSO BECAUSE MOGUINHAS was unbaned ? Maybe because he is ur friend ?