Obrigado pela resposta!
Já enviei um ticket. A espera.
Type: Posts; User: bLK
Obrigado pela resposta!
Já enviei um ticket. A espera.
Soube que o classic vai ser encerrado... Por este motivo, gostaria de saber o que se faz com os meus creditos que lá tenho...
Bruno K.
It's easy doe...
Make one round with OLD TC and at the same time the CURRENT TC...
And we will see which one will have more players online, after this we can talk better!
In my personal...
I'm here just to talk about this one:
• Gang members can challenge their leader and do a hostile takeover. If the leader is killed the challenger will become the new leader and the gang...
seriously? :o I know that dude.
" or meet someone. "
This is a shit idea.
Who's playing hunting know that! the ticktes just go way too much fast! and 5 minutes is too much time if I loose...
How should us hunt with this "tickte system"?
Ex: I'm hunting, I found someone but he has more stats than me, so I do the plastic surgery / overdose!
Result: loose 1 tickte for that, where's the...
Hello :)
The idea is like this:
• Combine Rave with Fight Club
the reason:
With this combination, it'll be a real fight club! There will have a lot "clubs" with respect limit.
You know...