You cant delete stats from people cuz then you should restart round.. So only way to FIX this is just put back the same rules as in start. And how much longer it takes to put it back, that much more...
Type: Posts; User: GooDyy
You cant delete stats from people cuz then you should restart round.. So only way to FIX this is just put back the same rules as in start. And how much longer it takes to put it back, that much more...
Yea i agree 2000%. You just cant change rules DURING ROUND! It's so f**king stupid. People who starts the game few days later cant make the stats so easily than people who started from beginning. So...
Could you put these items like:
Fast Recovery 10x
Steroids 1x
It's so bad idea to have them all seperated ?
I can understand the level benefits in FC, because you can easily calculate the stats... BUT, I dont think items are good idea to have on FC, for everywhere else its ok, no problem.
Whatever, i dont wanna waste time to argue with you.
But i would be happy if someone from crew could answer this thread...
I have played 4-5 rounds only for FC and I have never got hit like that.. And Im not noob in FC.
Well, you can avoid that just keeping eye on ur opponent, if you see he is growing up respect, then fast cancel the fight.. Only a fool challenge someone and leave it there.. :) Maybe everyone should...
1. The new items ring of fire and steroids are really bad idea. In Fight Club you can never get a fight cuz everyone afraid of those items... Other items are okey, but is it possible to remove these...
Is it Date?
I'm too good at this.. I will make the record ;)
If someone didn't get the point, the answer is = RECORD
Pound :) your welcome.
Yeah, go talk to people from your country, I think that is the best way to get more friends in TC. Also it's good to make skype account and add people there. Because so many players are using skype.....
Also dont lose cash or stamina when do training.
Can not sell drugs.. just says "Something went wrong" and takes 100% stamina..
Also lose 55% stamina if someone hit u.
Also lose 100% stamina when hit someone.
Also addiction doesn't raise.
I don't lose any cash when i do surgery ? (think)
Lol sorry my mistake. xD but why it didnt show me the message that i need more stamina?
Bug in bank. Cant withdraw money.