You read my post before come with a reply like that ?
i think you talk about the item with +100% more components in process... that is not offer you nothing about THE TIME Process
my ideea...
Type: Posts; User: SamirALeX
You read my post before come with a reply like that ?
i think you talk about the item with +100% more components in process... that is not offer you nothing about THE TIME Process
my ideea...
You can create an option in which the production of drug components to end instantly for a fee of course!
For the Laboratory a production of minimum / maximum components lasts from 1h - 7h (real...
prin paypall / credit card am luat ;)
great idea.
Only chance to not be attaked in your club so often is to change your maximum respect at the entrace in club.
i buy all 8 special items with 1200 tikets but i use only 50% from...
ok .TY Bebynho20
Maybe will help my idea in the future when TC will think some changes there :D
i hope with next round will be more than 4 item's in Black market ( to buy with Credit ) ...
Hello .
We have 2 free transactions per TC day at Stock Market
Will be great if you add another Item in BlackMarket.
Something that guarantees a transaction when buying or selling stocks.
Despre mine era Vorba :))
Un raspuns mai explicit pentru cei ce vor mai intampina aceasta "nedumerire"
Un User primeste de 4 ori pe runda , Relatie de incredere indiferent din partea carui...
un transfer credite poate dura pana la 48 ore pana va fi completat.....toate bune
Raspuns : Ai initiat o cerere de transfer de credite. Trebuie sa o confirmi introducand codul de...