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Type: Posts; User: Horrendus

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  1. Ok, thank you very much for the tips, I will make...

    Ok, thank you very much for the tips, I will make sure I use them on the next round.

    Best Regards,
  2. À procura de gang para R122 Portugal/Brazil

    Boas pessoal,

    Estou à procura de gang bastante ativo para jogar o r122, estou disponivel para estar no discord com o pessoal se assim for necessário.

    Sou um jogador ainda algo inexperiente mas...
  3. Hello Razvan7, Thanks for the guide, I am a...

    Hello Razvan7,

    Thanks for the guide, I am a newbie and this helps out a lot.

    Would you advise to buy a lot of drug components sell those drugs and spend 5-6 Money laundry items(and make those...
  4. Replies

    Hello zAXEN, thanks for your reply ! Best...

    Hello zAXEN, thanks for your reply !

    Best regards
  5. Replies

    Information about stats

    Hi everyone,

    I didn't find this information anywhere so here it goes...

    1. Which stat should I invest more on Businessman, intelligence?
    2. Does Tolerance/Charisma increments the number of...
Results 1 to 5 of 5