What do you mean, that's not the individual thefts in the value of Zepa not need any money and I stood active shield, the weapons taken it because Skliz 2 and 1 each on the theft of the difficulty of remaining flat in robberies in the new theft appropriate for each individual on the difficulties for example Assaopty reached ten thousand user wants to play Myself, God, if a Tzacharp Htaml not need a day and one steal as well, and Anto B_jawa Alrapts and every one of 30 and 40 work because user knows what a good play Behm Hieoz paid to him on 30 user States does Htbaka Zepa good you are interested fried owners of the site to earn the necessary My dear sir, but I like the people at the summit and the people at the bottom I know that I do not Hage in the last game and is Mamolp of the year as well as friendly to him, but Alehiqp to clear, and also the collective theft 3 per ticket thefts Fein remains outstanding and justice in human thinking??? ??????